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M. Nedeljković

51 records found


The use of alkali-activated slag (AAS) has been recognised for a long time as an alternative solution to Ordinary Portland cement-based binders. However, the durability of AAS-based binders is still unknown1, which limits their application in engineering practice. Carbonation is ...
The alkali-activated slag (AAS) material addresses the energy and environmental concerns associated with Portland cement production without compromise on the properties and performance1. Pore structure, as an essential component of AAS material, its volume (the total porosity), s ...
The carbonation-induced degradation in alkali-activated materials (AAMs) is unknown. This is due to the current level of understanding of the carbonation mechanism in accelerated conditions, whereas the results from the long-term performance of AAMs in service are not available.< ...
Carbonation of the pore solution in alkali-activated materials (AAMs) produces alkali and/or alkali-earth carbonates. When the carbonate solubility in the water is very high (case of the most alkali carbonates), it is very hard to determine the carbonation depth in AAMs with the ...
In this paper, carbonation resistance of alkali-activated slag (AAS) pastes exposed to natural and accelerated conditions up to 1 year was investigated. Two aspects of carbonation mechanism were evaluated. The first was the potential carbonation of the main binding phases in fine ...
Alkali-activation technology as an environmental friendly approach to produce construction materials can lead to a great CO2 emission reduction and provide high potential for waste reutilization. Alkali activated materials (AAMs) generally exhibit better durability and comparable ...
In this paper, PARC software was used to determine the spatial distribution of the dominant reaction products, their chemical composition and area/volume percentage in alkali-activated fly ash (FA) and ground granulated blast furnace slag (GBFS) pastes. The pastes reacted at diff ...
Pore solution of hardened alkali-activated fly ash paste was extracted by the steel-die method. The aqueous phase composition of pore solution was analyzed using ICP-OES analysis technique. The results show that the concentrations of Si, Al, Ca, K and OH- decrease with curing tim ...
The technology of alkaline activated materials (AAMs) has become a sustainable alternative to cement production with respect to CO2 emission and energy consumption. This technology is based on by-products usage from industrial energy and manufacturing processes, such as fly ash o ...
A newly developed thermodynamic approach was introduced from the literature to investigate the influence of NaOH content on the hydrate assemblage and chemistry of aqueous solution of activated slag paste (Na2O/slag=4%, 6% and 8%). The ICP-OES test was performed to obtain the aqu ...
Alkali-activated materials (AAM) have received increasing interest during the past few decades due to their environmental and technological advantages. However the durability of these binders is still considered as an unproven issue that needs to be addressed before their commerc ...
The performances of alkali activated materials (AAM) are strongly related to their microstructures. The microstructure development is mainly affected by chemistry of the primary raw materials. In the present study the influence of different proportions of fly ash and slag (100:0, ...
This study extracted pore solution from the hardened blast furnace slag pastes activated with sodium silicate and/or sodium hydroxide through the steel-die method and analyzed the aqueous phase composition via ICP-OES technique. The results show that the concentrations of Si, Al, ...
The technology of alkaline activation of calcium aluminosilicate materials, as an alternative to Portland cement to produce a clinker-free material, can address the energy and environmental concerns associated with Portland cement production. As this technology attracts more and ...

Alkali-activated materials (AAMs) have high potential as alternative binder to ordinary portland cement (OPC), because of their high performance beside lower CO2 emissions. While there is a general consensus about their strength advantages over OPC, there is a wides ...


Traditional Ordinary Portland cement (OPC)-based concrete consumes large quantities of natural resources for its production, which is
highly energy intensive and has high CO2 emission. Therefore, development of the geopolymer concrete, based on use of industrial byproducts,