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M. Nedeljković

47 records found

This paper presents the measurement and analysis of energy consumption of a laboratory jaw crusher during concrete recycling. A method was developed to estimate the power requirements of a lab-scale jaw crusher. The impact of material properties on the crusher performance is stud ...
Demand for high quality recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) to offset the use of primary materials is significantly rising due to circular economy goals and high-value reuse of concrete. The quality of RCA significantly affects their availability for new concrete production due to ...
The utilization of locally available concrete waste for producing recycled concrete aggregates is recognized as one of the most sustainable ways of satisfying the growing demand for concrete production. However, the quality of concrete waste depends on its origin and it may signi ...

Carbonation Rate of Alkali-Activated Concretes

Effects of Compositional Parameters and Carbonation Conditions

The current ability to predict the carbonation resistance of alkali-activated materials (AAMs) is incomplete, partly because of widely varying AAM chemistries and variable testing conditions. To identify general correlations between mix design parameters and the carbonation rate ...

RILEM TC 281-CCC Working Group 6: Carbonation of Alkali Activated Concrete

Preliminary Results of a Literature Survey and Data Analysis

The current understanding of the carbonation of alkali-activated concretes is hampered inter alia by the wide range of binder chemistries used. To overcome some of the limitations of individual studies and to identify general correlations between their mix design parameters and c ...
The current understanding of the carbonation and the prediction of the carbonation rate of alkali-activated concretes is complicated inter alia by the wide range of binder chemistries used and testing conditions adopted. To overcome some of the limitations of individual studies a ...
In circular concrete design, beside cement replacement with more environmentally friendly cement types, there is also an urgent need for sand replacement with fine recycled concrete aggregates (fRCA). The variations in physical and chemical properties of fRCA and lack of standard ...

Selectief slopen van betonconstructies

Ontwikkeling in-situbetonidentificatietechniek

Momenteel wordt gerecycled beton meestal toegepast als wegfundering en daarmee 'gedowncycled'. Dat komt onder meer doordat er geen informatie beschikbaar is over de kwaliteit van het gesloopte beton. Hoogwaardig hergebruik van gerecyclede toeslagmaterialen in nieuwe betonconstruc ...
The reduction of pH from ~12.5 to ~9 by carbonation of the pore solution of reinforced cementbased concrete structures results in the reinforcement corrosion. The rate of carbonation is an important input for design of the concrete cover depth and the service life prediction of r ...
This paper discusses the state-of-the-art of the fine recycled concrete aggregates (fRCA), focusing on their physical and chemical properties, engineering properties and durability of concretes with fRCA. Based on the systematic review of the published literature, it is impossibl ...
De kwaliteit van betonmortel kan sterk worden verbeterd door ingrepen in vochtgehalte van het fijne betongranulaat en de mengvolgorde van de toeslagmaterialen bij de bereiding van het beton. In een studie van TU Delft, M2I, TNO en Rijkswaterstaat, dat is uitgevoerd door Marija Ne ...
Fine recycled concrete aggregates (fRCA, 0–4 mm) are produced from demolished concrete structures and consist of natural aggregates and old cement mortar. The presence of old cement mortar has detrimental effect on the fresh properties and strength of new concrete. This study aim ...
In the Netherlands, beside cement replacement with more green cement types, there is also an urgent need for alternative materials for natural sand in new concrete in order to make it circular. Furthermore, the recyclers have raised questions regarding upscaling and the potential ...
Understanding the role of curing conditions on the microstructure and phase chemistry of alkali-activated materials (AAMs) is essential for the evaluation of the long-term performance as well as the optimization of the processing methods for achieving more durable AAMs-based conc ...
Naast cementvervanging door milieuvriendelijkere cementsoorten is er in een circulair betonontwerp ook een dringende behoefte om zand te vervangen door de fijne fractie die vrijkomt bij de productie van betongranulaat (fRCA). Wat weerhoudt de sector vooralsnog deze stap te zetten ...
The pore solutions of a series of hardened alkali-activated slag/fly ash pastes were extracted by the steel-die method, and analyzed using ICP-OES analysis technique. According to the saturation index from thermodynamic calculations, the pore solutions of alkali-activated slag pa ...
This study investigates the effectiveness of metakaolin (MK)in mitigating the autogenous shrinkage of alkali-activated slag (AAS). It is found that the autogenous shrinkage of AAS paste can be reduced by 40% and 50% when replacing 10% and 20% slag with MK, respectively. By provid ...
As the building sector is expanding, a growing interest in technologies that can reduce the CO2 emission from concrete production has led to partial replacement of cement with by-products from various industrial processes. Besides the partial replacement of cement, development of ...
The sustainability of infrastructure projects is becoming increasingly important issue in engineering practice. This means that in the future the construction materials will be selected on the basis of the contribution they can make to reach sustainability requirements. Geopolyme ...
The effect of curing conditions (sealed and unsealed) on the pore solution composition and carbonation resistance of different binary alkali-activated fly ash (FA) and ground granulated blast furnace slag (GBFS) pastes is investigated in this study. The studied mixtures were with ...