Siska Valcke

5 records found


In the Netherlands, beside cement replacement with more green cement types, there is also an urgent need for alternative materials for natural sand in new concrete in order to make it circular. Furthermore, the recyclers have raised questions regarding upscaling and the potential ...

In circular concrete design, beside cement replacement with more environmentally friendly cement types, there is also an urgent need for sand replacement with fine recycled concrete aggregates (fRCA). The variations in physical and chemical properties of fRCA and lack of stand ...

This paper discusses the state-of-the-art of the fine recycled concrete aggregates (fRCA), focusing on their physical and chemical properties, engineering properties and durability of concretes with fRCA. Based on the systematic review of the published literature, it is imposs ...

RILEM TC 247-DTA round robin test

Carbonation and chloride penetration testing of alkali-activated concretes

Many standardised durability testing methods have been developed for Portland cement-based concretes, but require validation to determine whether they are also applicable to alkali-activated materials. To address this question, RILEM TC 247-DTA ‘Durability Testing of Alkali-Ac ...

Ontwikkeling van een vorst-dooi test voor ZOAB

Devlopement of a Frost Thaw test for Porous Asphalt Concrete

Extreme wintercondities, zoals vorst-dooi, kunnen tot veel schade leiden in allerlei materialen. Bij zeer open asfalt (ZOAB) kan vorstschade leiden tot rafeling maar op dit moment is geen betrouwbare vorst-dooi test voor handen om de gevoeligheid voor dit type schade vast te stel ...