G.A. Leegwater

17 records found

Bitumen is a key constitutive material in asphalt pavements. It binds together the rock scaffolding of a pavement. Bitumen provides asphalt pavement with flexibility and enables it to respond to traffic loading and return to its original condition after the loading, i.e. bitumen ...
Bitumen rejuvenators are used to improve or restore the physical and mechanical performance of aged bitumen. Traditional bitumen rejuvenators are a product of crude oil. As crude oil production declines and the environmental and financial costs of crude oil increase, there is an ...
Fatigue damage is one of the main modes of deterioration of bituminous materials that leads to the failure of flexible pavements. However, it is well known that bituminous materials have some capability of recovering inflicted damage to some extent due to their viscoelastic natur ...
Damage in pavements is known to reduce over time when the material is left to rest, this phenomenon is identified as healing. It has been shown that healing has a large influence on pavement performance. However, as the healing mechanism is not fully understood, there is currentl ...
Asfalt heeft de aantrekkelijke eigenschap dat het zichzelf kan herstellen na schade. Er is echter tot op heden geen betrouwbare methode om de healingcapaciteit van een asfaltmengsel te bepalen. Bij het healingproces van een discrete scheur spelen twee processen een rol, namelijk ...
Asphalt concrete has the advantageous ability to heal autonomously, however the mechanisms behind this are not fully understood. To increase insight in the healing mechanism, the healing model used in polymer science is adopted. It interprets healing as the sum of wetting and int ...
Asphalt concrete has the advantageous ability to heal. During rest periods, damage present In the material is restored to a certain extent. Healing of the material can be observed in iis regaining of strength and stiffness after rest periods. In this paper, a new test method is p ...
Damage in pavements is known to reduce over time when the material is left to rest, this phenomenon is known as healing. It has been shown that healing is an important influence factor in pavement performance. However, an accepted method to assess the healing capability of a pave ...

Healing van Asfaltmengsels

Onderzoek naar een pragmatische proefmethode

Het zelfherstellend vermogen, of de healingscapaciteit, van asfaltmengsels wordt in de meeste ontwerpmethoden voor wegverhardingen meegenomen. De kennis over dit zelfherstellend vermogen is gebaseerd op ervaringen en onderzoeken uit het verleden en de werkelijke mechanismen erach ...
The performance of two layered porous asphalt (2LPA) surfaces is superior with respect to the reduction of noise produced by road-tyre interaction and the amount of splash and spray during rain, compared to dense surface layers. However, these open surface roads have a drawback w ...
The effect of long term field aging on different types of polymer modified binders used in two-layer porous asphalt is studied using different test methods. Chemical and rheological tests are performed on samples taken from road sections at different moments in time in search of ...
In de shift-factor van 4 die wordt gebruikt in de Ontwerp Specificaties van Rijkswaterstaat zit onder andere het effect van de zelf-healing capaciteit van asfalt ten gevolge van rustperioden in de belasting die in de praktijk wel en in laboratorium proeven voor vermoeiing niet aa ...

Ontwikkeling van een vorst-dooi test voor ZOAB

Devlopement of a Frost Thaw test for Porous Asphalt Concrete

Extreme wintercondities, zoals vorst-dooi, kunnen tot veel schade leiden in allerlei materialen. Bij zeer open asfalt (ZOAB) kan vorstschade leiden tot rafeling maar op dit moment is geen betrouwbare vorst-dooi test voor handen om de gevoeligheid voor dit type schade vast te stel ...
Most design methods for pavements use a factor explaining the difference between pavement life predictions from design models and performance in the road [1]. Part of this correction factor is healing, the natural capacity of asphalt concrete to recover in rest periods, which gen ...