Anya Vollpracht
6 records found
Carbonation Rate of Alkali-Activated Concretes
Effects of Compositional Parameters and Carbonation Conditions
The current ability to predict the carbonation resistance of alkali-activated materials (AAMs) is incomplete, partly because of widely varying AAM chemistries and variable testing conditions. To identify general correlations between mix design parameters and the carbonation rate
RILEM TC 281-CCC Working Group 6: Carbonation of Alkali Activated Concrete
Preliminary Results of a Literature Survey and Data Analysis
The current understanding of the carbonation of alkali-activated concretes is hampered inter alia by the wide range of binder chemistries used. To overcome some of the limitations of individual studies and to identify general correlations between their mix design parameters and c
Carbonation rate of alkali-activated concretes and high-volume SCM concretes
A literature data analysis by RILEM TC 281-CCC
The current understanding of the carbonation and the prediction of the carbonation rate of alkali-activated concretes is complicated inter alia by the wide range of binder chemistries used and testing conditions adopted. To overcome some of the limitations of individual studies a
Report of RILEM TC 281-CCC
Outcomes of a round robin on the resistance to accelerated carbonation of Portland, Portland-fly ash and blast-furnace blended cements
Many (inter)national standards exist to evaluate the resistance of mortar and concrete to carbonation. When a carbonation coefficient is used for performance comparison of mixtures or service life prediction, the applied boundary conditions during curing, preconditioning and carb
The article “Understanding the carbonation of concrete with supplementary cementitious materials: a critical review by RILEM TC 281-CC”, written by Stefanie von Greve-Dierfeld, Barbara Lothenbach, Anya Vollpracht, Bei Wu, Bruno Huet, Carmen Andrade, César Medina, Charlotte Thiel,
Understanding the carbonation of concrete with supplementary cementitious materials
A critical review by RILEM TC 281-CCC
Blended cements, where Portland cement clinker is partially replaced by supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs), provide the most feasible route for reducing carbon dioxide emissions associated with concrete production. However, lowering the clinker content can lead to an inc