This report details the data verification process for the information utilized in the publica- tion ”Empirical fragility and ROC curves for masonry buildings subjected to settlements” [3]. The data are stored in the 4TU.ResearchData repository [4]. Data collection and anal- ysis
This report details the data verification process for the information utilized in the publica- tion ”Empirical fragility and ROC curves for masonry buildings subjected to settlements” [3]. The data are stored in the 4TU.ResearchData repository [4]. Data collection and anal- ysis took place between 2020 and 2021, with the final version being published in 2023. A thorough check was conducted before and after the publication of the manuscript to ensure data quality. While the first check was conducted by the Authors of [3] during the initial data collection, this report focuses on the second check, carried out after the pub- lication. In this document, the adopted methodology for the data verification is detailed and the results of the procedure are presented.
This report begins with Section 2, which outlines the methodology used for the data verification, whereas Section 3 summarises the results. Section 4 offers a discussion and conclusions. Finally, appendix A contains the calculations that support the verification checks.@en