M. Hemel

5 records found

Historic quay walls in many Dutch cities are supported by an array of vertical timber piles which run through soft soil deposits and rest on a sand layer, providing end-bearing support. As these structures experience horizontal loads, the foundation piles are loaded in bending. T ...

Amsterdam quays under pressure

Modelling and testing of historic canal walls

Amsterdam faces the challenge of maintaining a domain of 200 km historic quay walls, which is a vital part of the city’s historical landscape. Many quays are currently in poor condition and require renovation or replacement in the near future, significantly impacting the city. Th ...
A quay wall directly next to a building, both dating from around 1870, collapsed along the Grimburgwal in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, on 1 September 2020. The historic quay wall consisted of a masonry wall, built of a timber deck supported by several rows of timber piles of about ...
The historic canal wall structures in many Northern European cities have been built as masonry walls on a timber deck founded on timber piles. For analysis of the resistance of those structures and assessment of their remaining service life, suitable and accurate calculation mode ...

Bezwijken Grimburgwal

Leerpunten voor het Amsterdamse areaal

In dit rapport is via een forensic engineering aanpak een eerste analyse gegeven (rapid assessment, RA) van het bezwijken van de Grimburgwal (GBW) op 1 september 2020. Het doel van het onderzoek is om te achterhalen welke lessen zijn te leren van het bezwijken van de Grimburgwal ...