A.W. Heemink

179 records found

Accurately forecasting ozone levels that exceed specific thresholds is pivotal for mitigating adverse effects on both the environment and public health. However, predicting such ozone exceedances remains challenging due to the infrequent occurrence of high-concentration ozone dat ...
This paper presents a hybrid model to estimate the magnetic behaviour of a ferromagnetic structure. The mathematical-physical model has been developed using the Method of Moments combined with a hysteresis model. The mathematical model was derived by a linearisation of the hyster ...
The present study proposes a novel data assimilation (DA) approach for estimating emission and wind direction parameters in an advection-diffusion model. This implementation aims to improve the prediction of a chemical transport model over long distances by updating the emission ...
The densest network for measuring air pollutant concentrations in Colombia is in Medellin, where most sensors are located in the heavily polluted lower parts of the valley. Measuring stations in the higher elevations on the mountains surrounding the valley are not available, whic ...
Chemical transport models (CTM) are crucial for simulating the distribution of air pollutants, such as particulate matter, and evaluating their impact on the environment and human health. However, these models rely heavily on accurate emission inventory and meteorological inputs, ...

Surrogate-assisted inversion for large-scale history matching

Comparative study between projection-based reduced-order modeling and deep neural network

History matching can play a key role in improving geological characterization and reducing the uncertainty of reservoir model predictions. Application of reservoir history matching is restricted by the huge computational cost by amongst others the many runs of the full model. Sur ...
This work proposes a robust and non-Gaussian version of the shrinkage-based knowledge-aided EnKF implementation called Ensemble Time Local H Filter Knowledge-Aided (EnTLHF-KA). The EnTLHF-KA requires a target covariance matrix to integrate previously obtained informat ...
Imaging-type monitoring techniques are used in monitoring dynamic processes in many domains, including medicine, engineering, and geophysics. This paper aims to propose an efficient workflow for application of such data for the conditioning of simulation models. Such applications ...
A reduced order modeling algorithm for the estimation of space varying parameter patterns in numerical models is proposed. In this approach domain decomposition is applied to construct separate approximations to the numerical model in every subdomain. We introduce a new local par ...
Many satellite-based estimates use gauge information for bias correction. In general, bias-correction methods are focused on the intensity error and do not explicitly correct possible position or timing errors. However, position and timing errors in rainfall estimates can also le ...
This chapter book presents Medellín Air qUality Initiative or MAUI Project; it tells a brief story of this teamwork, their scientific and technological directions. The modeling work focuses on the ecosystems and human health impact due to the exposition of several pollutants tran ...
The use of low air quality networks has been increasing in recent years to study urban pollution dynamics. Here we show the evaluation of the operational Aburrá Valley’s low-cost network against the official monitoring network. The results show that the PM2.5 low-cost ...
In this work, we present the development of a 4D-Ensemble-Variational (4DEnVar) data assimilation technique to estimate NOx top-down emissions using the regional chemical transport model LOTOS-EUROS with the NO2 observations from the TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI). ...
When calibrating simulations of dust clouds, both the intensity and the position are important. Intensity errors arise mainly from uncertain emission and sedimentation strengths, while position errors are attributed either to imperfect emission timing or to uncertainties in the t ...
In this paper, we propose an efficient and practical implementation of the ensemble Kalman filter via shrinkage covariance matrix estimation. Our filter implementation combines information brought by an ensemble of model realizations, and that based on our prior knowledge about t ...
Particulate matter (PM) is one of the most problematic pollutants in urban air. The effects of PM on human health, associated especially with PM of ≤2.5μm in diameter, include asthma, lung cancer and cardiovascular disease. Consequently, major urban centers commonly monitor PM2.5 ...
Seismic history matching can play a key role in geological characterization and uncertainty quantification. However, challenges related to intensive computational demands and complexity restricts its application in many practical cases. This paper presents a conceptual deep-learn ...
Emission inversion using data assimilation fundamentally relies on having the correct assumptions about the emission background error covariance. A perfect covariance accounts for the uncertainty based on prior knowledge and is able to explain differences between model simulation ...
A data assimilation system for the LOTOS-EUROS chemical transport model has been implemented to improve the simulation and forecast of PM10 and PM2.5 in a densely populated urban valley of the tropical Andes. The Aburrá Valley in Colombia was used as a case ...
Satellite and reanalysis precipitation products perform poorly over regions with low-density ground observation networks. In order to improve space-dependent parameterization of precipitation estimation models in data-scarce environments, the delineation boundaries of precipitati ...