Changrui Zhu

4 records found

In the field of solid-state luminescence, Cu2+ has long been widely acknowledged for its capacity to emit infrared light. However, the occurrence of visible emission from Cu2+ ions had been infrequently observed and reported. In this study, we made an intrig ...
De-reclamation is a common strategy used for the restoration of tidal flats. In this study, we investigate the morphodynamic response of tidal channel networks and tidal flats after de-reclamation initiatives using the Delft3D numerical model. We find that tidal channel networks ...
River discharge is known to enhance tidal damping and tidal wave deformation in estuaries. While the damping effect on astronomical tides has been well documented, river impact on tidal wave deformation and associated overtide generation (shallow water harmonics of one or more as ...
The sediment load in the Yangtze River downstream of the Three Gorges Dam (TGD) has substantially declined in recent decades. The decrease is more profound below the TGD, e.g., a 97% decrease at Yichang, compared with that at the delta apex, 1200 km downstream, e.g., a 75% decrea ...