Ton Hoitink

4 records found


The morphological configuration of estuaries and tidal basins influences future development because the channel-flat pattern and geometry control tidal dynamics and, as a result, residual sediment transport patterns. Large-scale human alteration of estuarine plan-form and channel ...
Sustainable river management often requires long-term morphological simulations. As the future is unknown, uncertainty needs to be accounted for, which may require probabilistic simulations covering a large parameter domain. Even for one-dimensional models, simulation times can b ...
The Ems Estuary presents an enigmatic environment where a storm-generated intertidal basin interacts with a navigation channel subject to extremely high suspended sediment concentrations. Despite ebb dominance in parts of the navigation channel, the residual transport is dire ...
Sustainable river management can be supported by models predicting long-term morphological developments. Even for one-dimensional morphological models, run times can be up to several days for simulations over multiple decades. Alternatively, analytical tools yield metrics that al ...