Mick Van Der Wegen

16 records found

The morphological configuration of estuaries and tidal basins influences future development because the channel-flat pattern and geometry control tidal dynamics and, as a result, residual sediment transport patterns. Large-scale human alteration of estuarine plan-form and channel ...
Deltaic intertidal areas disappear worldwide. This impacts delta morphology, because the extent and physiological character of the tidal floodplains control the tidal regime and, as a result, residual sediment transport patterns. Extensive reclamation of former tidal flats, effec ...
Coastal mangroves, thriving at the interface between land and sea, provide robust flood risk reduction. Projected increases in the frequency and magnitude of climate impact drivers such as sea level rise and wind and wave climatology reinforce the need to optimize the design and ...
Reclamation of low-lying tidal flats and floodplains adjacent to present shorelines has been implemented worldwide for both coastal defense and development. While it is technically feasible to monitor the short-term impact of tidal flat embankments, it is challenging to identify ...
This article presents a novel approach to explore mangrove dynamics on a prograding delta by integrating unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and satellite imagery. The Porong Delta in Indonesia has a unique geographical setting with rapid delta development and expansion of the mangrove ...
Many alluvial estuaries worldwide include an inside bar system, a large sediment deposit deeply stretched into the estuary. A good example of such a system is the large sediment deposit in the Qiantang Estuary, China. Its length and height reach 130 km and 10 m, respectively. Bat ...
Fluvial, tidal, and combined hydro-morphodynamics interaction in a complex, seasonal, sediment transport regime has been the subject of extensive research. It becomes particularly challenging when there is limited data. The Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM) Delta is one example of ...
Global climate changes have accelerated sea-level rise (SLR), which exacerbates the risks of coastal flooding and erosion. It is of practical interest to understand the long-term hydro-morphodynamic adaptation of coastal systems to SLR at a century time scale. In this work we use ...
Bathymetric data plays a major role in obtaining accurate results in hydrodynamic modeling of rivers, estuaries, and coasts. Bathymetries are commonly generated by spatial interpolation methods of data on a model grid. Sparse and limited data will impact the quality of the interp ...

Morphodynamic Evolution of a Fringing Sandy Shoal

From Tidal Levees to Sea Level Rise

Intertidal shoals are vital components of estuaries. Tides, waves, and sediment supply shape the profile of estuarine shoals. Ensuring their sustainability requires an understanding of how such systems will react to sea level rise (SLR). In contrast to mudflats, sandy shoals have ...
In wetlands, water is the primary factor controlling the environment and the associated plant and animal life (Ramsar Convention Secretariat, 2006). Wetlands not only provide diverse ecosystem services but also contribute to the improvement of surface water. In tropical Africa, t ...
Potential transport pathways between the subtidal and subaerial part of tidal inlet systems are explored by means of a case study of Texel Inlet, The Netherlands. Based on a morphologic analysis of multi-annual, high-resolution bathymetric and topographic data sets we hypothesize ...
This paper presents a fast consolidation model suitable for long-term morphodynamic simulations. This model is applicable for muddy systems where sedimentation rates are smaller than consolidation rates, assuming quasi-equilibrium of the consolidating bed. It compares to the cons ...
Estuarine tidal mudflats form unique habitats and maintain valuable ecosystems. Historic measurements of a mudflat in San Fancsico Bay over the past 150 years suggest the development of a rather stable mudflat profile. This raises questions on its origin and governing processes a ...
Morphology is the study of forms, whether of animals, plants or words; coastal morphology is the study of coastal forms. Some of these forms are hard (like rock) and do not move much. Others, such as beaches, dunes, channels, sandbars, shoals, are made of mud, sand, or even grave ...