M. Van Der Wegen

3 records found

Modeling Long-term Morphological Developments of Intertidal Flats

A Comparison Among Different Modeling Approaches

Estuarine intertidal flats comprise valuable ecosystems and act as an important sediment source for the adjacent salt marsh systems. However, accelerating sea-level rise threatens the mudflats and associated ecosystems, where the mudflat accretion lag behind sea level rise. A rel ...
San Francisco Bay is the largest estuary on the west coast, and it supports a surrounding population of over 7 million people. Human developments have reduced the amount of fine sediments delivered to the Bay-Delta system in recent years, which threatens habitat restoration init ...
This study aims for a better understanding of the sediment pathways in San Francisco South Bay (South Bay). Many issues relevant to the Bay Area community such as shipping, recreational and commercial fishing, habitat restoration, human health, and environmental water quality are ...