10 records found

The Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM) Delta is a good example of a large estuarine system with sparse data. This study describes the development and validation of a morphodynamic process-based model (Delft3D) as a tool to predict the dynamic system as a response to climate change, ...
Fluvial, tidal, and combined hydro-morphodynamics interaction in a complex, seasonal, sediment transport regime has been the subject of extensive research. It becomes particularly challenging when there is limited data. The Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM) Delta is one example of ...
Human interventions in the river basin upstream as well as within the river itself have caused sediment shortage in the delta system and hence the majority of the deltas are in eroding phase. The sediment dispersal process; which is governed by geometry and topography, coastline, ...
The tide dominated Meghna estuary is characterized by a sequence of distributary channels and islands/chars. While there are a few studies on morphological processes of the Meghna estuary in general, studies on the physical processes of the islands/chars in the estuary are sparse ...
Bangladesh, occupying low-lying floodplains and tidal plains, has one of the largest and the most disaster-prone populous deltas in the world. The Bengal Delta is a tide-dominated delta, where tides play the key role in the sediment dispersal process and in shaping the delta. The ...
While most of the large deltas in the world are suffering from sediment starvation, the Bengal delta is prograding at a substantially high rate. The progradation expedites the shifting process of delta building estuaries as well as their associated distributaries, which play an i ...
Every river is unique. Therefore, effective erosion management in rivers should be based on their morphological processes. The Arial Khan, a major and very dynamic river in Bangladesh, creates huge bank erosion which is one of the main sources of the sufferings of t ...
Due to flat terrain and dense population, the Bengal Delta is highly vulnerable to sea level rise. At present the delta building process is active in the Meghna Estuary. Information on sediment dispersal processes in the estuary and their response to differ ...