J.C. Winterwerp

151 records found

This paper presents five examples of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) to restore degraded mangroves and mangrove-mud coasts. These examples are meant to provide inspiration for the restoration of other such coasts. The designs are based on a qualitative/conceptual understanding of th ...

Winds of opportunity

The effects of wind on intertidal flat accretion

Intertidal ecosystems are threatened by sea level rise and anthropogenic pressures. Understanding the processes controlling the morphodynamic developments of tidal flats is crucial for sustainable management of these systems. Analysis of three extensive fieldwork campaigns carrie ...
The CO2 characteristics of the Semarang Bay system on the Northern coast of Java were investigated to understand the roles in carbon dioxide flux. The flux of carbon dioxide at the sea surface between seawater and atmosphere is essential for mitigating atmospheric CO2. The aims o ...
Dredged cohesive sediment is progressively being used for wetland construction. However, little is known about the effect of plant growth during the self-weight consolidation of this sediment. In order to check the feasibility of such a study, a new experimental setup has been co ...
Progressively, more dredged sediments are being reused for engineering projects. For example, the Marker Wadden is a new wetland constructed in lake Markermeer, the Netherlands, with dredged cohesive sediments originating from the bed of the lake. Such dredged sediments are often ...
Sediment mobility and memory effects distinguish transport and morphodynamics in fine sediment settings from sandy settings. This paper focuses on the morphodynamic modeling of fine sediment systems, and an adaptation of modeling procedures more commonly used in sand-dominated sy ...
The amount of suspended fines in the southern North Sea strongly depends on their exchange with the sandy seabed. This exchange is governed by resuspension of fines during storms, followed by burial in the week thereafter. Despite its importance for fine sediment dynamics, the bu ...
This paper describes the effects of anthropogenic deepening of tidal rivers in a conceptual way, with focus on tidal distortion and the residual transport of coarse sediment, driven by asymmetries in peak velocity. The rivers under consideration are fairly small, with small river ...

Wave transmission and drag coefficients through dense cylinder arrays

Implications for designing structures for mangrove restoration

Mangrove vegetation constitutes a natural coastal defence against waves and erosion. Despite their protective role, mangrove ecosystems have experienced continuous degradation over the last decades due to human causes. At retreating mangrove coastlines, bamboo structures are buil ...
Mangrove vegetation provides natural protection against coastal hazards like flooding and erosion. In spite of their economic and societal value, mangrove forests have experienced a worldwide decline due to human activities. Bamboo structures, formed by poles driven into the soil ...
Mangrove-mud coasts across the world erode because of uninformed management, conversion of mangrove forests into aquaculture ponds, development of infrastructure and urbanization, and/or extraction of groundwater inducing land subsidence. The accompanied loss of ecosystem values, ...
Sediment transport over intertidal flats is driven by a combination of waves, tides, and wind-driven flow. In this study we aimed at identifying and quantifying the interactions between these processes. A five week long dataset consisting of flow velocities, waves, water depths, ...
Estuarine sediment dynamics are a consequence of various forcings (barotropic, estuarine circulation, and fluvial) that vary in space and time. Here, we present a study examining sediment dynamics in a narrow microtidal estuary, the Lower Passaic River in New Jersey, USA. The ana ...
The fine sediment distribution in the seabed is an important indicator for the ecological functioning of shallow coastal seas. In this paper, we investigate the processes and conditions that determine the fine sediment distribution in the Dutch coastal zone surficial seabed, whil ...
We studied the drying behavior of slurries of Markermeer sediments in the Netherlands having different solid compositions. Natural processes such as sand–mud segregation and oxidation of organic matter were mimicked to analyze the effect of changes in sediment composition. Evapor ...
This study investigates the potential of bioturbating Tubificidae to alter biogeochemical processes by sediment aeration in order to enhance ecosystem development in eco-engineering projects. We introduced Tubificidae in three different densities (5000, 15,000, and 30,000 individ ...
Sediment is becoming scarce and fine sediments are progressively used for reclamation projects. Therefore there is an increasing need to use cohesive fine sediments (mud) for land reclamation and nature building. These sediments exhibit larger deformations and consolidation time ...
The records ofHWand LWin the most upper part of the Scheldt Estuary since 1971 have been analysed together with the daily river discharge. The tidal range, the hydraulic head and the ratio between the rising tide period to falling tide period have been determined for investigatin ...
This paper presents a new model, using existing consolidation theory, suitable for long-term morphodynamic simulations; we refer to the dynamic equilibrium consolidation (DECON) model. This model is applicable for muddy systems at small suspended particulate matter (SPM) concentr ...