C. Chassagne

85 records found

Floc size distribution and settling velocities are crucial parameters for characterising cohesive sediments, as they influence how these sediments behave in various environmental settings. The accurate measurement of these properties is essential, with different methods available ...

Clay micromechanics

Numerical modelling of electrical double-layer interactions to develop particle-based models for clay

Discrete element modelling of clays requires defining the interaction energy between two particles. The Derjaguin, Landau, Verwey and Overbeek (DLVO) theory combining the effect of the van der Waals forces and the Coulombic forces due to the double layer of counterions provides a ...
In this work a high-magnification digital video camera in combination with a settling column is used to study in a first part the influence of the amount of flocs transferred into the settling column on their settling velocity. In a second part, the setup was used to study the pr ...
This study introduces a fast 1D nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) imaging method based on multi-slice imaging with a stepper motor to study sedimentation dynamics of clayey soils. Traditional NMR is limited by long acquisition times due to water’s T1 relaxation time. Ou ...
Turbidity flows are known to be affected by the density difference between sediment plumes and the surrounding water. However, besides density, other factors could lead to changes in flow propagation. Such a factor is the presence of suspended organic matter. Recently, it was fou ...

Bridging the depth

Lessons learned from deep-sea mining for better predicting turbidity plumes

The insights gained from deep-sea mining (DSM) research regarding sediment dynamics can be utilized to better predict turbidity plumes in shallow marine environments. Small-scale lab experiments can replicate deep-sea conditions effectively, offering an ideal model system to stud ...
This article discusses whether or to what extent flocculation plays a role in the saline deep-sea environment and whether sediment plumes generated by deep-sea mining activities are affected by the process of flocculation. The results of our laboratory study demonstrate that deep ...
Recent research highlights the abundance of floccule (flocs) in rivers, formed by aggregation of clay particles with organic matter. These flocs affect the transport and the eventual fate of clay. Flocs exhibit distinct behaviour from the unflocculated sedimentary counterparts: t ...

Kaumera Methods Manual

A comprehensive guide to lab extraction and characterization methods for extracellular polymeric substances (EPS)

Kaumera are extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) extracted from excess aerobic granular sludge from Nereda® wastewater treatment plants. Kaumera exhibits significant market potential across diverse applications, fostering rapid research and business development. Furthermore, ...
Coandă-effect-based collection stands out as the foremost technology in polymetallic-nodule mining due to the absence of direct contact between the collector and the ocean floor. Yet, this collection method disturbs the ocean floor, and minimizing such disturbance is crucial from ...
The chapter gives an overview of the sediment dispersion generated by the mining process. Within the field of dredging engineering, ample experience is available regarding equipment, turbidity generated by equipment, and sediment transport processes. High up the environmental imp ...
Particle tracers are sometimes used to track sources and sinks of riverine particulate and contaminant transport. A potentially new particle tracer is ~200 nm sized superparamagnetic silica encapsulated DNA (SiDNAFe). The main objective of this research was to understand and quan ...
The interactions between organic and inorganic particles in the context of flocculation is an on-going topic of research. Most current researches do not distinguish between the effects of EPS (produced by microorganisms) and living microorganisms (like algae). In this study, the ...
Dredged cohesive sediment is progressively being used for wetland construction. However, little is known about the effect of plant growth during the self-weight consolidation of this sediment. In order to check the feasibility of such a study, a new experimental setup has been co ...
In the present study, we aim to parameterize a flocculation model, based on a logistic growth equation, by conducting laboratory experiments. The flocculation experiments are performed using two types of natural sediments and different flocculating agents: salt (monovalent and di ...
The nautical bottom (i.e., the level at which contact with a ship’s keel causes either damage or unacceptable effects on controllability and manoeuvrability of a ship) should be associated to a measurable physical characteristic. Bulk density is typically used as a criterion for ...
The characterization of flocculation rates is often done through floc size distribution over time. This distribution in size also affects settling rates. Besides sizes, settling velocities are dependent on floc density. This density is estimated using Stokes law, by recording the ...
In some ports and waterways, hindered (delayed) settling of mud suspended in the water phase can be detected. Hindered settling phenomena are typically linked to a combination of sediment properties, suspended sediment concentration or density, hydrodynamic conditions, presence o ...
The presence of clay-organic flocs in cohesive mud results in a complex rheological behavior of mud, including viscoelasticity, shear-thinning, thixotropy and two-step yielding. In this study, the effect of microbial degradation of organic matter on the rheological properties of ...