G.H. Keetels
35 records found
The cutter suction dredger (CSD) is one of the main vessels utilized in the dredging industry. The dynamic actions related to its rotating cutter head are the main trigger for sediment release and turbidity generation by this vessel. The ability to predict the evolution of this t
This article presents the current state-of-the-art understanding of underwater dilative slope failure (breaching). Experimental investigations are reviewed, providing critical insights into the underlying physics of breaching and pointing out knowledge gaps, which underscore the
The chapter gives an overview of the sediment dispersion generated by the mining process. Within the field of dredging engineering, ample experience is available regarding equipment, turbidity generated by equipment, and sediment transport processes. High up the environmental imp
Characteristics of slurry transport regimes
Insights from experiments and interface-resolved Direct Numerical Simulations
A common way to transport solids in large quantities is by using a carrier fluid to transport the solids as a concentrated solid/liquid mixture or slurry through a pipeline. Typical examples are found in dredging, mining and drilling applications. Dependent on the slurry properti
Accurate characterization of mechanical perturbations on the seabed is essential for developing models assessing the environmental impacts from physical disturbances. Furthermore, understanding the relationship between (1) seabed resistance and (2) penetration depth, can also fac
The presence of mud layers on the bottom of ports and waterways can have negative effects on the hydrodynamic behaviour of marine vessels. This numerical study investigates the effect of muddy seabeds on the full-scale resistance of an oil tanker sailing straight ahead. The objec
When dredging rock using a Cutter Suction Dredger the high amount of spillage is problematic, since it prevents an energy efficient removal process. This papers presents a coupled DEM-FVM method to simulate spillage, that can be used for optimizing the design and working method o
In submerged sandy slopes, soil is frequently eroded as a combination of two main mechanisms: breaching, which refers to the retrogressive failure of a steep slope forming a turbidity current, and instantaneous sliding wedges, known as shear failure, that also contribute to shape
Reliable prediction of the erosion rate of sediment beds is important for many applications in coastal and river engineering. Theoretical understanding of empirically derived scaling relations is still lacking. This applies in particular for the scaling anomaly between low and hi
As a result of the dilation of soil matrix, dense submarine sand slopes can temporarily be steeper than the natural angle of repose. These slopes gradually fail by the detachment of individual grains and intermittent collapses of small coherent sand wedges. The key question is wh
Background: Both influenza and SARS-CoV-2 viruses show a strong seasonal spreading in temperate regions. Several studies indicated that changes in indoor humidity could be one of the key factors explaining this. Objective: The purpose of this study is to quantify the association
Dredging is the relocation of soil. Before the soil can be transported, it has to be loosened. This can be done hydraulically (jetting) or mechanically (cutting). Often, water jets are used to erode the soil layer. Over time, pickup functions have been derived to predict the amou
This article presents a new turbulence closure based on the k-ω SST model for predicting turbulent flows of Herschel–Bulkley fluids, including Bingham and power-law fluids. The model has been calibrated with direct numerical simulations (DNS) data for fully-developed pipe flow of
Validation of the resistance of a plate moving through mud
CFD modelling and towing tank experiments
When investigating the effect of muddy seabeds on marine vessels using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software, one challenge is to adequately describe the complex non-Newtonian fluid behaviour of mud. Although a number of rheological models have been proposed in the past, mu
The ship’s resistance and manoeuvrability in shallow waters can be adversely influenced by the presence of fluid mud layers on the seabed of ports and waterways. Fluid mud exhibits a complex non-Newtonian rheology that is often described using the Herschel–Bulkley model. The latt
In dredging, high pressure water jets are commonly applied to assist the mobilization of soil. This work considers the excavation of cohesive soil. The key objective is to predict the development of the cavity in the soil as a function of the undrained shear strength, translation
The presence of complex fluids in nature and industrial applications combined with the rapid growth of computer power over the past decades has led to an increasing number of numerical studies of non-Newtonian flows. In most cases, non-Newtonian models can be implemented in exist
In dredging applications, deep sea mining and land reclamation projects typically large amounts of sediments are transported through pipes in the form of hyper concentrated (40% sediment or more) sediment-water mixtures or slurries. In this paper it is investigated how well a gen
In dredging applications, deep sea mining and land reclamation projects typically large amounts of sediments are transported through pipes in the form of hyper concentrated (40% sediment or more) sediment-water mixtures or slurry. These slurries can flow at three different regime