W.P. Breugem
85 records found
Characteristics of slurry transport regimes
Insights from experiments and interface-resolved Direct Numerical Simulations
A common way to transport solids in large quantities is by using a carrier fluid to transport the solids as a concentrated solid/liquid mixture or slurry through a pipeline. Typical examples are found in dredging, mining and drilling applications. Dependent on the slurry properti
Results from particle-resolved Direct numerical simulations are presented for dense suspensions of frictional non-colloidal spheres in viscous pressure-driven channel flow. The bulk solid volume fraction varies between ϕb=0.2 and 0.6, and the Coulomb friction coefficie
Interparticle friction in sheared dense suspensions
Comparison of the viscous and frictional rheology descriptions
In the literature, two different frameworks exist for describing the rheology of solid/liquid suspensions: (1) the “viscous” framework in terms of the relative suspension viscosity, ηr, as a function of the reduced solid volume fraction, f=fm, with fm
From nearly homogeneous to core-peaking suspensions
Insight in suspension pipe flows using MRI and DNS
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) experiments have been performed in conjunction with direct numerical simulations (DNS) to study neutrally buoyant particle-laden pipe flows. The flows are characterized by the suspension liquid Reynolds number (Res), based on the bulk liquid veloc
Reliable prediction of the erosion rate of sediment beds is important for many applications in coastal and river engineering. Theoretical understanding of empirically derived scaling relations is still lacking. This applies in particular for the scaling anomaly between low and hi
Particle-resolved Direct Numerical Simulations have been performed on the gravitational settling of mono-disperse solid spheres in a viscous fluid and triply periodic domain. In a comprehensive study, the bulk solid volume concentration was varied from ϕ=0.5 to 30%. To study the
Controlling the breakup of spiralling jets
Results from experiments, nonlinear simulations and linear stability analysis
We experimentally and numerically study the dynamics of a liquid jet issued from a rotating orifice, whose breakup is regulated by a vibrating piezo element. The helical trajectory of the spiralling jet yields fictitious forces varying along the jet whose longitudinal projections
When two spherical particles submerged in a viscous fluid are subjected to an oscillatory flow, they align themselves perpendicular to the direction of the flow leaving a small gap between them. The formation of this compact structure is attributed to a nonzero residual flow know
The alignment of a pair of spherical particles perpendicular to a horizontally oscillating flow is attributed to a non-zero residual flow, known as steady streaming. This phenomenon is the basis of complex patterns in denser systems, such as particle chains and the initial stages
Path instabilities of a sphere rising or falling in a quiescent Newtonian fluid have been studied experimentally. The rich palette of possible instabilities is dependent upon two dimensionless quantities, namely the Galileo number (Ga) and the particle/fluid mass density ratio (ρ
Liquid-solid fluidisation is frequently encountered in drinking water treatment processes, often to obtain a large liquid-solid interfacial surface area. A large surface area is crucial for optimal seeded crystallisation in full-scale softening reactors. Due to crystallisation, p
We use direct numerical simulations (DNS) to investigate the turbulent modulation due to the presence of bubbles in vertical channels flowing downward. The Reynolds number for single-phase flow based on half channel height h* and friction velocity is Reτ= 18
The effect of drag reducing riblets on the flow structure was examined experimentally for a turbulent boundary layer at Reθ = 9890 and riblet spacing s+ = 13.4. Trapezoidal riblets were used, which were attached to the water tunnel wall as a coating. Force m
Using a slender-jet approach, we numerically investigate the control of jet breakup using temperature modulation at the nozzle with a specified frequency and amplitude. Our results show that temperature modulation does lead to instability through capillary and Marangoni stresses,
Natural particles are frequently applied in drinking water treatment processes in fixed bed reactors, fluidised bed reactors, and sedimentation processes to clarify water and to concentrate solids. When particles settle, it has been found that, in terms of hydraulics, natural par
The purpose of this work is to experimentally establish the combined influence on the flow and thermal resistance of an exhaust pipe wall formed by a porous, compliant layer with overlying discrete roughness elements exposed to the pulsating exhaust gas flow of a combustion engin
Macroscopic properties of sedimenting suspensions have been studied extensively and can be characterized using the Galileo number (Ga), solid-to-fluid density ratio (πp) and mean solid volume concentration (ϕ¯). However, the particle–particle and particle–fluid interac
We present modal and non-modal linear stability analyses of Poiseuille flow through a plane channel with a porous substrate modeled using the Volume Averaged Navier–Stokes (VANS) equations. Modal stability analysis shows the destabilization of the flow with increasing porosity of
The present paper is focused on the development of an accurate 1D numerical model for pig motion in two-phase flow. The focus will be on the liquid slug that is accumulated in front of the pig, the so-called pig-generated slug. Under the assumption of a stratified flow, we first
During the last decade, many approaches for resolved-particle simulation (RPS) have been developed for numerical studies of finite-size particle-laden turbulent flows. In this paper, three RPS approaches are compared for a particle-laden decaying turbulence case. These methods ar