G.E. Elsinga

118 records found

Interferometric particle imaging (IPI) is used to measure both the size distribution and concentration of microbubbles (with a diameter less than 100 micron) in water. Using a new method for calibration makes it possible to obtain quantitative results for the concentration of mic ...
Tip-vortex cavitation is among the first forms of cavitation to appear around ship propellers. In the present study, the time-resolved three-dimensional flow field around non-cavitating and cavitating tip vortices in the wake of a marine propeller is investigated with tomographic ...
Direct numerical simulations up to Reλ = 1445 show that the scaling exponents for the enstrophy and the dissipation rate extrema are different and depend on the Reynolds number. A similar Reynolds number dependence of the scaling exponents is observed for the moments of the dissi ...
The Richardson-scaling law states that the mean square separation of a fluid particle pair grows according to twithin the inertial range and at intermediate times. The theories predicting this scaling regime assume that the pair separation is within the inertial range and that th ...
A combination of time-resolved tomographic particle image velocimetry, refractive index matching technique and machine vision algorithms was used to measure the translational and rotational motion of freely moving, nearly neutrally buoyant spheres in a fully developed turbulent b ...
Direct numerical simulations (DNS) of forced (statistically stationary) isotropic turbulence are used to assess the characteristics of the intense vorticity structures (IVS) or "worms"at higher Reynolds numbers than previously available. The simulations cover a range of Taylor-ba ...
The small scales of turbulence in a high-Reynolds-number jet (R e λ≈ 350) are investigated with a µPIV setup to overcome the optical limitations of conventional tomographic PIV setups. With the aim of validating the performances of tomographic long-distance µPIV, analyses are car ...
Following their inception, vortex cavities emanating from stationary wing tips in cavitation tunnels are often observed to grow. These effects are usually attributed to the free and dissolved non-condensable gases in the liquid. However, a detailed mechanism for the cavity's grow ...
Viscous vortex layers subject to a more general uniform strain are considered. They include Townsend's steady solution for plane strain (corresponding to a parameter a = 1), in which all the strain in the plane of the layer goes toward vorticity stretching, as well as Migdal's re ...
The effect of drag reducing riblets on the flow structure was examined experimentally for a turbulent boundary layer at Reθ = 9890 and riblet spacing s+ = 13.4. Trapezoidal riblets were used, which were attached to the water tunnel wall as a coating. Force m ...
We report on the experimental investigation of the large-scale instantaneous flow structures in turbulent Taylor–Couette flow using tomographic particle image velocimetry. The results indicate three distinct regimes for counter-rotating flow within a shear Reynolds number range o ...
Extreme dissipation events in turbulent flows are rare, but they can be orders of magnitude stronger than the mean dissipation rate. Despite its importance in many small-scale physical processes, there is presently no accurate theory or model for predicting the extrema as a funct ...
The reduction of turbulent skin-friction drag and the response of vortical structures in a zero-pressure gradient, turbulent boundary layer subjected to spanwise wall oscillation is investigated using planar and tomographic particle image velocimetry (PIV). The experiments are co ...
This paper provides an experimental investigation on the internal shear layers and the edges of the uniform momentum zones (UMZs) in a turbulent pipe flow. The time-resolved stereoscopic particle image velocimetry data are acquired in the cross-section of the pipe, and span the r ...
Abstract: The feasibility of particle image velocimetry (PIV) in a thermally convective supercritical fluid was investigated. Hereto a Rayleigh–Bénard convection flow was studied at pressure and temperature above their critical values. The working fluid chosen was trifluoromethan ...
The average patterns of the velocity and scalar fields near turbulent/non-turbulent interfaces (TNTI), obtained from direct numerical simulations (DNS) of planar turbulent jets and shear free turbulence, are assessed in the strain eigenframe. These flow patterns help to clarify m ...
Time-resolved tomographic particle image velocimetry (PIV) measurements (acquisition rate 250 Hz) were performed in a turbulent boundary layer on the side wall of an open channel, water flow facility (cross section 60 × 60 cm2, W × H), 3.5m downstream of the inlet at a bulk flow ...
In many applications, finite-sized particles are immersed in a turbulent boundary layer (TBL) and it is of interest to study wall effects on the instantaneous shedding of turbulence structures and associated mean velocity and Reynolds stress distributions. Here, 3D flow field dyn ...
This paper describes the hysteresis in the torque for Taylor–Couette flow in the turbulent flow regime for different shear Reynolds numbers, aspect ratios and boundary conditions. The hysteresis increases with decreasing shear Reynolds number and becomes more pronounced as the as ...
The motion of tracer particles is kinematically simulated around three elementary flow patterns; a Burgers vortex, a shear-layer structure with coincident vortices and a node-saddle topology. These patterns are representative for their broader class of coherent structures in turb ...