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R. Delfos

76 records found

Steelmaking has shown an increasing concern toward nonmetallic inclusions, leading to new technologies in the secondary metallurgy of steel. Although the typical inclusion removal procedure is by injecting inert gas into the ladle, this vessel does not fulfill all the requirement ...
Ceramic refractory bubbling devices may be applied in the steel ladle to induce the flotation of non-metallic inclusions to the slag phase. These inclusions have many origins along the steelmaking process and induce a detrimental effect on the mechanical properties of these metal ...
Control systems are essential to support the use of building structures as short-term thermal energy storage (TES). Due to modeling and forecast imperfections, the controller must be able to deal with uncertainties. This paper proposes a robust model predictive controller (MPC) w ...
Measurements were conducted in the fully developed turbulent flow in a pipe with internal diameter D at a Reynolds number of Re D= 1.6 × 10 5 . The pipe walls were equipped with regularly spaced square ribs of relative height h/ D= 0.154 , while the pitch-to ...
The interaction between a turbulent boundary layer flow and compliant surfaces is investigated experimentally. Three viscoelastic coatings with different material stiffnesses are used to identify the general surface response to the turbulent flow conditions. For the softest coati ...
We report on the experimental investigation of the large-scale instantaneous flow structures in turbulent Taylor–Couette flow using tomographic particle image velocimetry. The results indicate three distinct regimes for counter-rotating flow within a shear Reynolds number range o ...
We investigate the deformation of a linear viscoelastic compliant coating in a turbulent flow for a wide range of coating parameters. A one-way coupling model is proposed in which the turbulent surface stresses are expressed as a sum of streamwise-travelling waves with amplitudes ...
The effect of finger spread on overall drag on a swimmer’s hand is relatively small, but could be relevant for elite swimmers. There are many sensitivities in measuring this effect. A comparison between numerical simulations, experiments and theory is urgently required to observe ...
A Random Positioning Machine (RPM) is a device used to study the role of gravity on biological systems. This is accomplished through continuous reorientation of the sample such that the net influence of gravity is randomized over time. The aim of this study is to predict fluid fl ...
Stromingsleer is de naam van het vakgebied dat ‘stromende media’ beschrijft. Dat medium kan lucht of water zijn, maar ook olie, mayonaise, of lucht-watermengsels. Als we het vakgebied wat ruimer nemen dan stromen zand- of suikerkorrels ook. Kortom, alles stroomt, of zoals Heracli ...
The flow motions in the turbulent boundary layer between water and a rowing boat initiate a turbulent skin friction. Reducing this skin friction results in better rowing performances. A Taylor-Couette (TC) facility was used to verify the power losses due to velocity fluctuations ...

Erratum to

Turbulent spot in linearly stable Taylor Couette flow (Flow Turbulence Combust (2016) 96 (621))

Friction measurements were performed in a Taylor-Couette setup. Drag reduction was obtained with a riblet surface and indicated a drag reduction for a wide range of shear Reynolds numbers, with a maximum of 5.3% at Res = 4.7 × 104 (s+ = 14). Tomographic PIV verified that the fric ...