A.J. Greidanus

15 records found

The principal aim of the work presented here is to investigate and demonstrate that a forward tilted rowing blade would result in a more efficient and effective motion of the blade through the water that would result in a higher boat speed when an equal input power is provided. A ...
The circular Taylor-Couette flow is one of the archetypical model systems for the study of flow transitions and dynamic pattern formation in experimental fluid dynamics. The emergence of the internal vortical flow structures are commonly visualized through a rheoscopic flow visua ...
The interaction between a turbulent boundary layer flow and compliant surfaces is investigated experimentally. Three viscoelastic coatings with different material stiffnesses are used to identify the general surface response to the turbulent flow conditions. For the softest coati ...
This thesis describes the investigation of the dynamics of turbulent shear flows over non-smooth surfaces. The research was conducted in two parts, related to the experimental facility used in combination with the applied functional surface. The first part describes the experimen ...
Ultrasound Imaging Velocimetry (UIV) is applied to a Taylor-Couette flow, for the case of pure inner cylinder rotation. By imaging a radial-azimuthal plane, two velocity components are obtained simultaneously in a two-dimensional plane. For the single-phase flow studies, Iriodin ...
We investigate the deformation of a linear viscoelastic compliant coating in a turbulent flow for a wide range of coating parameters. A one-way coupling model is proposed in which the turbulent surface stresses are expressed as a sum of streamwise-travelling waves with amplitudes ...
The present study introduces an experimental technique based on a Free Surface-Synthetic Schlieren (FS-SS) method in order to characterize free surfaces subjected to strong deformations. Current synthetic Schlieren methods are based on local image correlation and thus limited to ...

Erratum to

Turbulent spot in linearly stable Taylor Couette flow (Flow Turbulence Combust (2016) 96 (621))

The flow motions in the turbulent boundary layer between water and a rowing boat initiate a turbulent skin friction. Reducing this skin friction results in better rowing performances. A Taylor-Couette (TC) facility was used to verify the power losses due to velocity fluctuations ...
The objective of this study was to determine the advantage of the application of speedstrips to rowing oars for a lightweight single sculler. The research method comprehended three steps: (1) the analysis of the rowing oar movement, (2) the determination of the change in drag and ...
Friction measurements were performed in a Taylor-Couette setup. Drag reduction was obtained with a riblet surface and indicated a drag reduction for a wide range of shear Reynolds numbers, with a maximum of 5.3% at Res = 4.7 × 104 (s+ = 14). Tomographic PIV verified that the fric ...