A. Dash
9 records found
Suspensions are of interest for curiosity-driven as well as applied research. From a fundamental perspective, inertia of the particles or the system triggers different behaviour in suspension flows. From an experimental perspective, analyzing suspensions is challenging due to the
Ultrasound imaging velocimetry in particle-laden flows
Counteracting attenuation with correlation averaging
Abstract: Ultrasound imaging velocimetry (UIV) refers to the technique wherein ultrasound images are analysed with 2D cross-correlation techniques developed originally in the framework of particle image velocimetry. Applying UIV to opaque, particle-laden multiphase flows have lon
We revisit the laminar–turbulent transition of a fine-grained slurry in a large pipe. The combination of long measurement times in an industrial-scale facility and ultrasound imaging allows us to observe and address anomalous trends. Under turbulent conditions, the flow is homoge
The circular Taylor-Couette flow is one of the archetypical model systems for the study of flow transitions and dynamic pattern formation in experimental fluid dynamics. The emergence of the internal vortical flow structures are commonly visualized through a rheoscopic flow visua
Ultrasonic particle volume fraction profiling
An evaluation of empirical approaches
Abstract: We discuss empirical techniques to extract quantitative particle volume fraction profiles in particle-laden flows using an ultrasound transducer. A key step involves probing several uniform suspensions with varying bulk volume fractions from which two key volume fractio
Particle-laden Taylor-Couette flows
Higher-order transitions and evidence for azimuthally localized wavy vortices
We extend upon the known flow transitions in neutrally buoyant particle-laden Taylor-Couette flows by accessing higher suspension Reynolds numbers in a geometry with radius ratio and aspect ratio. Flow transitions for several particle volume fractions () are investigated by means
Simultaneous Ultrasound Imaging Velocimetry (UIV) and Flow Visualization in Taylor-Couette flows
Validation of UIV in single-phase flows
Ultrasound Imaging Velocimetry (UIV) is applied to a Taylor-Couette flow, for the case of pure inner cylinder rotation. By imaging a radial-azimuthal plane, two velocity components are obtained simultaneously in a two-dimensional plane. For the single-phase flow studies, Iriodin
A quantitative analysis of two imaging modalities, shadowgraphy and x-ray imaging, is presented in the framework of void fraction determination. The need for this arises from the fact that shadowgraphs are sometimes utilized to quantify void fraction profiles, which is an unprove
Air pollutant sinks on noise barriers
Where do they perform the best?
While laboratory experiments, numerical simulations as well as field tests have underlined the influence of noise barriers in dispersing vehicular emissions and reducing downwind peak concentrations, these pollutants still remain in the atmosphere. Artificial pollutant sinks (for