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K. Muller

6 records found

Tracking Schooling Fish in Three Dimensions

Experiments at the Rotterdam Zoo

This thesis describes methods and first analyses to study the shape and motion of a large school of approximately 2000 Harengula clupeola (false herring) in three-dimensional space. This school of fish was present at the large-scale and publicly accessible ocean aquarium of the R ...
The circular Taylor-Couette flow is one of the archetypical model systems for the study of flow transitions and dynamic pattern formation in experimental fluid dynamics. The emergence of the internal vortical flow structures are commonly visualized through a rheoscopic flow visua ...
The accumulation of motile cells at solid interfaces increases the rate of surface encounters and the likelihood of surface attachment, leading to surface colonization and biofilm formation. The cell density distribution in the vicinity of a physical boundary is influenced by the ...
Abstract: Obtaining accurate experimental data from Lagrangian tracking and tomographic velocimetry requires an accurate camera calibration consistent over multiple views. Established calibration procedures are often challenging to implement when the length scale of the measureme ...
Obtaining accurate experimental data from Lagrangian tracking and tomographic velocimetry requires an accurate and consistent camera calibration over multiple views. At length-scales that span beyond the laboratory environment obtaining a camera calibration can be challenging. Co ...
Mixing and spreading of different liquids are omnipresent in nature, life and technology, such as oil pollution on the sea, estuaries, food processing, cosmetic and beverage industries, lab-on-a-chip devices, and polymer processing. However, the mixing and spreading mechanisms fo ...