
28 records found


We study the dispersion of tiny molecular clouds in turbulence by writing patterns in turbulent air and following their deformation in time. The writing is done by fusing O2 and N2 molecules into NO in the focus of a strong ultraviolet laser beam. By crossing several of these ...

We study the relation between large-scale structures in the concentration field with those in the velocity field in a dye-seeded turbulent jet. The scalar concentration in a plane is measured using laser-induced fluorescence. Uniform concentration zones of an advected scalar a ...

Abstract: Our quest is for the thumb and finger positions that maximize drag in front crawl swimming and thus maximize propulsion efficiency. We focus on drag in a stationary flow. Swimming is in water, but using Reynolds similarity the drag experiments are done in a wind tunn ...

A scalar emanating from a point source in a turbulent boundary layer does not mix homogeneously, but is organized in large regions with little variation of the concentration: uniform concentration zones. We measure scalar concentration using laser-induced fluorescence and, sim ...

We use Faraday waves to measure interfacial tension σ between two immiscible fluids, with an interest in (ultra)low values of σ. The waves are excited by vertically oscillating the container in which the fluids reside. Using linear stability theory, we map out the accessible r ...

Abstract: We discuss the application of synthetic aperture particle image velocimetry for measuring the flow around human swimmers using small bubbles as tracer. We quantify the two-dimensional projection of the velocity field in planes perpendicular to the viewing direction o ...

We present a new technique to study preferential concentration of droplets in a turbulent air flow. Preferential concentration is the tendency of droplets to cluster in regions of strain, while avoiding regions of rotation. We study the properties of the droplet concentration ...

The flow field around a full-scale swimmer’s hand model with varying thumb positions is investigated by robotic volumetric PIV. The experiment is conducted in the Open Jet Facility wind tunnel at TU Delft at 15m/s. Quantitative flow field information is constructed with 3D-PTV in ...

Rayleigh-Brillouin scattering spectra of CO 2 were measured at pressures ranging from 0.5 to ...

Rayleigh-Brillouin light scattering spectra of CO2 at ultraviolet wavelengths are computed from molecular dynamics which depends on intermolecular potentials only. We find excellent agreement with state of the art experimental data. This agreement was reached in a minimal computa ...
We present results on the analysis of measurements on the dispersion of a contaminant in a turbulent boundary layer. The contaminant is a fluorescent dye (Rh.-B) that was introduced in a turbulent boundary layer (푅푅푒푒# = 3050) in a water channel. The velocity field was measured b ...
The effect of finger spread on overall drag on a swimmer’s hand is relatively small, but could be relevant for elite swimmers. There are many sensitivities in measuring this effect. A comparison between numerical simulations, experiments and theory is urgently required to observe ...

Understanding the power balance of a swimmer, who needs to overcome power losses to drag and to water set in motion, requires detailed insight into the hydrodynamics of the flow around the swimmer. This will be done from a hydrodynamic point of view with techniques familiar fr ...


The turbulent/non-turbulent interface of a round jet

Measurements on a large range of Reynolds numbers

In this thesis a method of combined PIV and LIF experiments on the Turbulent/Non-Turbulent interface (TNTI) of a round jet is presented.
By varying the distance from the nozzle in the measurements, the Kolmogorov scale of a large range of Reynolds number (2×103 ≤ R ...
Turbulent scalar mixing is prominent in all sorts of situations, being it in air pollution or making tea. However, this does not often lead to a homogeneously mixed fluid, but rather leads to regions of higher concentrations next to regions with significantly lower concentrations ...

Optical Tweezers Tensiometry

Pushing the boundaries

The interfacial tension is a fundamental property of liquid-liquid systems and governs the mixing potential of two immiscible fluids. For two fluids to form a stable mixture, their interfacial tension needs to be very low. Applications of systems with a low interfacial tension fi ...
Convective heat transfer finds applications in several domains of industry like heat exchangers, gas turbine blades, IC engine surfaces etc. The surfaces of these heat transfer applications are either naturally rough owing to manufacturing techniques or become rough over a period ...
During front crawl swimming, water is driven backwards with the limbs. Drag forces generated by the limbs are consequently used for forward propulsion. The hands are responsible for approximately 60% of the generated propulsive forces. Reaching a podium place in competitive swimm ...