J. Reijtenbagh
4 records found
We report results on the instantaneous drag force on plates that are accelerated in a direction normal to the plate surface, which show that this force scales with the square root of the acceleration. This is associated with the generation and advection of vorticity at the plate
In our experiment a vortical flow behind a traveling plate turns into turbulence. By exactly repeating this experiment 42 times with a robot, we study the statistics of this transition. In each realization the fate of the flow is followed over 1.7 s when the plate travels with a
We present results on the instantaneous drag force acting on a rectangular plate that accelerates in a direction normal to the plate surface. Conventionally the drag force on an accelerating object is divided into a steady state term and an added mass term, which can both be time
We study the relation between large-scale structures in the concentration field with those in the velocity field in a dye-seeded turbulent jet. The scalar concentration in a plane is measured using laser-induced fluorescence. Uniform concentration zones of an advected scalar are