S.H. Jamali
20 records found
Spectral line shape models can successfully reproduce experimental Rayleigh-Brillouin spectra, but they need knowledge about the bulk viscosity ηb. Light scattering involves GHz frequencies, but since ηb is only documented at low frequencies, ηb is usually left as a free paramete
Finite-size effects of diffusion coefficients computed from molecular dynamics
A review of what we have learned so far
The number of molecules used in a typical Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations is orders of magnitude lower than in the thermodynamic limit. It is therefore essential to correct diffusivities computed from Molecular Dynamics simulations for finite-size effects. We present a compre
Transport Properties of Fluids
Methodology and Force Field Improvement using Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Knowledge on transport properties of fluids is of great interest for process
and product design development in the chemical, food, pharmaceutical, and
biotechnological industry. In the past few decades, molecular simulation has
become a powerful tool to calculate these properties
The translational self-diffusion coefficient and the shear viscosity of water are related by the fractional Stokes–Einstein relation. We report extensive novel molecular dynamics simulations for the self-diffusion coefficient and the shear viscosity of water. The SPC/E and TIP4P/
The system-size dependence of computed mutual diffusion coefficients of multicomponent mixtures is investigated, and a generalized correction term is derived. The generalized finite-size correction term was validated for the ternary molecular mixture chloroform/acetone/methanol a
Rayleigh-Brillouin light scattering spectra of CO2 at ultraviolet wavelengths are computed from molecular dynamics which depends on intermolecular potentials only. We find excellent agreement with state of the art experimental data. This agreement was reached in a minimal computa
A Tool for On-the-Fly Calculation of Transport Properties of Fluids with the Order- n Algorithm in LAMMPS
We present a new plugin for LAMMPS for on-the-fly computation of transport properties (OCTP) in equilibrium molecular dynamics. OCTP computes the self- and Maxwell-Stefan diffusivities, bulk and shear viscosities, and thermal conductivities of pure fluids and mixtures in a single
The combination of the TraPPE and OPLS/2016 force fields with five water models, TIP3P, SPC/E, OPC, TIP4P/2005 and TIP4P/EW was used to compute mixing enthalpies, excess chemical potentials and activity coefficients of water and methanol. Excess chemical potentials and activity c
For absorption refrigeration, it has been shown that ionic liquids have the potential to replace conventional working pairs. Due to the huge number of possibilities, conducting lab experiments to find the optimal ionic liquid is infeasible. Here, we provide a proof-of-principle s
Prediction of composition-dependent self-diffusion coefficients in binary liquid mixtures
The missing link for Darken-based models
Mutual diffusion coefficients can be successfully predicted with models based on the Darken equation. However, Darken-based models require composition-dependent self-diffusion coefficients which are rarely available. In this work, we present a predictive model for composition-dep
Optimizing nonbonded interactions of the OPLS force field for aqueous solutions of carbohydrates
How to capture both thermodynamics and dynamics
Knowledge on thermodynamic and transport properties of aqueous solutions of carbohydrates is of great interest for process and product design in the food, pharmaceutical, and biotechnological industries. Molecular simulation is a powerful tool to calculate these properties, but c
CO2 solubility in small carboxylic acids
Monte Carlo simulations and PC-SAFT modeling
Carbon dioxide (CO2) can electrochemically be converted to a range of products including formic acid (HCOOH) and acetic acid (CH3COOH). The yield of the products in an electrolysis cell depends on the solubility of CO2 in the (aqueous) mixture. In
A method is proposed for calculating the shear viscosity of a liquid from finite-size effects of self-diffusion coefficients in Molecular Dynamics simulations. This method uses the difference in the self-diffusivities, computed from at least two system sizes, and an analytic equa
Molecular Dynamics simulations were performed for the prediction of the finite-size effects of Maxwell-Stefan diffusion coefficients of molecular mixtures and a wide variety of binary Lennard-Jones systems. A strong dependency of computed diffusivities on the system size was obse
Vapour–liquid equilibrium (VLE) and volumetric data of multicomponent mixtures are extremely important for natural gas production and processing, but it is time consuming and challenging to experimentally obtain these properties. An alternative tool is provided by means of molecu
Reverse osmosis constitutes a large portion of currently operating commercial water desalination systems. Employing membranes with large water fluxes while maintaining high salt rejection is of central importance in decreasing the associated energy consumption and costs. The ultr
Thermodynamic and transport properties of crown-ethers
Force field development and molecular simulations
Crown-ethers have recently been used to assemble porous liquids (PLs), which are liquids with permanent porosity formed by mixing bulky solvent molecules (e.g., 15-crown-5 ether) with solvent-inaccessible organic cages. PLs and crown-ethers belong to a novel class of materials, w
Natural gas, synthesis gas, and flue gas typically contain a large number of impurities (e.g., acidic gases), which should be removed to avoid environmental and technological problems, and to meet customer specifications. One approach is to use physical solvents to remove the aci
Monte Carlo (MC) simulations in ensembles with a fixed chemical potential or fugacity, for example the grand-canonical or the osmotic ensemble, are often used to compute phase equilibria. Chemical potentials can be computed either with an equation of state (EoS) or from molecular
Flameless combustion technology can provide high efficiency with less emissions. Although spray combustion is prevalent in industrial furnaces, little research has been carried out to investigate ameless spray combustion. This article reports on numerical simulation of the Delft