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46 records found


We study nonparametric Bayesian statistical inference for the parameters governing a pure jump process of the form (Formula Presented) where N(t) is a standard Poisson process of intensity λ, and Z k are drawn i.i.d. from jump measure μ. A high-dimensi ...

When the fire brigade arrives at a burning building, it is of vital importance that people who are still inside can quickly be found. Smart buildings should be able to expose this location data to the fire brigade working in a smart city. In this paper the feasibility is research ...

A method is proposed for calculating the shear viscosity of a liquid from finite-size effects of self-diffusion coefficients in Molecular Dynamics simulations. This method uses the difference in the self-diffusivities, computed from at least two system sizes, and an analytic e ...

We consider nonparametric Bayesian inference in a reflected diffusionmodel dXt = b(Xt)dt + σ(Xt)dWt , with discretely sampled observationsX0,X, . . . , Xn. We analyse the nonlinear inverse problem correspondingto the “low frequency sampling” regime where >0 is fixed and n→∞.A ...

Adaptive confidence bands for Markov chains and diffusions

Estimating the invariant measure and the drift

As a starting point we prove a functional central limit theorem for estimators of the invariant measure of a geometrically ergodic Harris-recurrent Markov chain in a multi-scale space. This allows to construct confidence bands for the invariant density with optimal (up to undersm ...
Donsker-type functional limit theorems are proved for empirical processes arising from discretely sampled increments of a univariate Lévy process. In the asymptotic regime the sampling frequencies increase to infinity and the limiting object is a Gaussian process that can be obta ...
We consider the Grenander estimator that is the maximum likelihood estimator for non-increasing densities. We prove uniform central limit theorems for certain subclasses of bounded variation functions and for Hölder balls of smoothness s >1/2. We do not assume that the density is ...
Confidence intervals and joint confidence sets are constructed for the nonparametric calibration of exponential Lévy models based on prices of European options. To this end, we show joint asymptotic normality in the spectral calibration method for the estimators of the volatility ...

Option calibration of exponential Lévy models

Confidence intervals and empirical results

Observing prices of European put and call options, we calibrate exponential Lévy models nonparametrically. We discuss the efficient implementation of the spectral estimation procedures for Lévy models of finite jump activity as well as for self-decomposable Lévy models. Based on ...

We estimate linear functionals in the classical deconvolution problem by kernel estimators. We obtain a uniform central limit theorem with √n-rate on the assumption that the smoothness of the functionals is larger than the ill-posedness of the problem, which is given by the po ...

This paper studies polar sets for anisotropic Gaussian random fields, i.e. sets which a Gaussian random field does not hit almost surely. The main assumptions are that the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix are bounded from below and that the canonical metric associated with th ...


Banks are financial institutions that lend money from other parties and provide loans to individuals and organisation for a higher interest. Lending out money is associated with the risk that debtors are not able to fully or partially repay the loans. This is called credit risk. ...
This thesis is dedicated to the application of data science to sports data. The research for this thesis is part of a bigger project on injury prevention and sport performance called Citius Altius Sanius (CAS). Two data sets from two different projects within CAS are analysed, wi ...
What is the actual value of a house and which factors contribute the most to it? In this thesis we do a thorough research and try to come up with an answer. We will set up models that approximate the current market values for all houses in the Netherlands. To do this, we use a lo ...

Forensic Statistics

Multivariate trace comparison

In today’s complex, modern world, where more data and knowledge is available then ever before, consensus over approaches in statistics is far away. To understand what this means for forensic statistics, both the frequentist and Bayesian approach are considered in quantifying evid ...
Model selection starts with a dataset and a number of candidate models that can explain that data. The AIC
and BIC criteria prevents choosing the best fitting model by penalizing for the number of parameters in a
model and instead selects the model that performs best when ...
When the re brigade arrives at a burning building, it is of vital importance that people who are still inside can quickly be found. In this thesis we contribute to an ultrasonic sound sensor for human presence detection in smoke-lled spaces. This type of sensor could assist the r ...
In this report, inhomogeneous Lévy processes are studied in a discrete observational model based on derivatives of the process. First, homogeneous Lévy models are defined and an already known nonparametric method, using Fourier techniques and call and put option prices, for estim ...

Analyzing psychophysical and electrophysiological data using mixed-effect models

Quantification of stimulus processing using intra-epidermal electrodes

Background: One of the biggest challenges of analyzing electroencephalogram (EEG) data in pain processing is the low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). A common method to increase the SNR is to average time-locked responses over repeated trials. Unfortunately, relevant information is l ...
ASML produces TwinScan NXT machines that are used for the production of microchips. The machines ensure that an accurate pattern of DUV-light passes a lens and that it is projected as accurate as possible on the wafer. To ensure that the focal point of the converged DUV-light fal ...