J.N. Driessen

30 records found


The radar resource management problem in a multitarget tracking scenario is considered. The problem is solved using a dynamic budget balancing algorithm. It models the different sensor tasks as partially observable Markov decision processes and solves them by applying a combinati ...
The radar resource management problem in a multi-target tracking scenario is considered. Partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs) are used to describe each tracking task. Model predictive control is applied to solve the POMDPs in a non-myopic way. As a result, the ...
The Multiple Object Tracking problem for a known and constant number of closely-spaced objects in a track-before-detect context is considered. The underlying problem of decomposing a dataassociation- free Bayes posterior density is analyzed. A previously proposed solution for two ...
Radar Resource Management in a multi-sensor multi-target scenario is considered. A dynamic resource balancing algorithm is proposed which optimizes target task parameters assuming an underlying partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP). By applying stochastic optimizat ...
The sensor resource management problem in a multi-object tracking scenario is considered. In order to solve it, a dynamic budget balancing algorithm is proposed which models the different sensor tasks as partially observable Markov decision processes. Those are being solved by ap ...
The radar resource management problem in a multitarget tracking scenario for multi-function radar is considered. To solve it, an optimal balancing of the sensor budget by applying Lagrangian relaxation and the subgradient method is proposed. In a time-invariant scenario it is sho ...

Wind turbines usually cause significant interference in the conventional radar operations which might degrade the detection capabilities. Wind turbines do not only block the radar beam focusing on a specific target, thus creating shadowing effects, but also impose Doppler spec ...

We consider a target selection problem for multitarget tracking in a multifunction radar network from a gametheoretic perspective. The problem is formulated as a noncooperative game. The radars are considered to be players in this game with utilities modeled using a proper tra ...

When the fire brigade arrives at a burning building, it is of vital importance that people who are still inside can quickly be found. Smart buildings should be able to expose this location data to the fire brigade working in a smart city. In this paper the feasibility is research ...
In this paper, waveforms for MIMO phased array radar to enhance cross-range resolution are investigated. The problem of high sidelobes in range created by the use of Hybrid Codes with a single waveform and spatial coding is considered and a method to reduce these sidelobes by the ...
In this paper, a track selection problem for multi-target tracking in a multifunction radar network is studied using the concepts from game theory. The problem is formulated as a non-cooperative game, and specifically as an anti-coordination game, where each player aims to differ ...


Approximately Optimal Radar Resource Management for Multi-Sensor Multi-Target Tracking

A First Step Towards a Distributed Solution for Radar Resource Management in a Sensor Network

The Radar Resource Management (RRM) problem in a multi-sensor multi-target scenario is considered. The problem is defined as a constrained optimization problem in which the predicted error covariance is minimized subject to resource budget constraints. By applying Lagrangian Rela ...
With modern multi-function radars becoming more flexible, handling the limited amount of resources of these radars becomes increasingly important. In this thesis the radar resource management (RRM) problem in a multi-target tracking scenario is considered. Partially observable Ma ...
Indoor positioning using Bluetooth addressed a great concern. The properties of narrowband usage, low energy consumption and universality on devices attract numerous customers and promote researchers to investigate potential of Bluetooth in indoor positioning field. It has alread ...
In many countries the number of wind turbines is growing rapidly as a response to the increasing demandfor renewable energy.Modern wind turbines are large structures, many reach more than 150 meters above theground. Clusters of densely spaced wind turbines, so called wind farms, ...
Generative adversarial networks (GANs) are a class of generative models, for which the goal is to learn from training data and then to generate data with similar characteristics. Despite the wide use of GANs, a quantitative evaluation method of their performance is lacking. In th ...
Clock synchronization among the nodes of a wireless acoustic sensor network (WASN) is a significant issue that affects the performance of multi-channel noise reduction schemes. Since independent sensors are utilized, each accompanied by its internal clock, clock offsets are inevi ...
When the re brigade arrives at a burning building, it is of vital importance that people who are still inside can quickly be found. In this thesis we contribute to an ultrasonic sound sensor for human presence detection in smoke-lled spaces. This type of sensor could assist the r ...

Jump Markov Nonlinear System Identification in Multi-Sensor Target Tracking

A Novel Approach for Multiple Model Joint Tracking and Behavior Classification

The detection of unusual behavior plays a crucial role in the prevention of illegal and harmful activities such as smuggling, piracy, arms trading, human trafficking and illegal immigration. Also for military applications, it is useful to detect anomalous behavior to provide an a ...
According to literature, MIMO radars often use orthogonal waveforms on their different channels to achieve a wide angular beam and so-called colored transmission. The generation of orthogonal signals is very difficult and true orthogonality cannot be achieved in practice. The Cir ...