N. Bogdanovic

4 records found


We consider a target selection problem for multitarget tracking in a multifunction radar network from a gametheoretic perspective. The problem is formulated as a noncooperative game. The radars are considered to be players in this game with utilities modeled using a proper tra ...

The problem of range-migrating target detection in a compound-Gaussian clutter is studied here. We assume a target to have a range-walk of a few range cells during the coherent processing interval, when observed by wideband radar with high range resolution. Two CFAR detectors are ...
In this paper, the parameter estimation problem based on diffusion least mean squares strategies is analyzed from a coalitional game theoretical perspective. Specifically, while selfishly minimizing only their own mean-square costs, the nodes in a network form coalitions that ben ...
In this paper, a track selection problem for multi-target tracking in a multifunction radar network is studied using the concepts from game theory. The problem is formulated as a non-cooperative game, and specifically as an anti-coordination game, where each player aims to differ ...