Richard Nickl

3 records found


We study nonparametric Bayesian statistical inference for the parameters governing a pure jump process of the form (Formula Presented) where N(t) is a standard Poisson process of intensity λ, and Z k are drawn i.i.d. from jump measure μ. A high-dimensi ...

We consider nonparametric Bayesian inference in a reflected diffusionmodel dXt = b(Xt)dt + σ(Xt)dWt , with discretely sampled observationsX0,X, . . . , Xn. We analyse the nonlinear inverse problem correspondingto the “low frequency sampling” regime where >0 is fixed and n→∞.A ...
Donsker-type functional limit theorems are proved for empirical processes arising from discretely sampled increments of a univariate Lévy process. In the asymptotic regime the sampling frequencies increase to infinity and the limiting object is a Gaussian process that can be obta ...