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G. Jongbloed

74 records found

Consider an opaque medium that contains 3D particles. All particles are convex bodies of the same shape, but they vary in size. The particles are randomly positioned and oriented within the medium and cannot be observed directly. Taking a planar section of the medium we obtain a ...
The prediction of remaining useful life (RUL) is a critical component of prognostic and health management for industrial systems. In recent decades, there has been a surge of interest in RUL prediction based on degradation data of a well-defined degradation index (DI). However, i ...
We construct bootstrap confidence intervals for a monotone regression function. It has been shown that the ordinary nonparametric bootstrap, based on the nonparametric least squares estimator (LSE) (Formula presented.), is inconsistent in this situation. We show that an (Formula ...
Often the question arises whether (Formula presented.) can be predicted based on (Formula presented.) using a certain model. Especially for highly flexible models such as neural networks one may ask whether a seemingly good prediction is actually better than fitting pure noise or ...
Background and Objectives Early neuroprognostication in children with reduced consciousness after cardiac arrest (CA) is a major clinical challenge. EEG is frequently used for neuroprognostication in adults, but has not been sufficiently validated for this indication in children. ...
In various stereological problems ann-dimensional convex body is intersected with an(n−1)-dimensionalIsotropic Uniformly Random (IUR) hyperplane. In this paper the cumulative distribution function associatedwith the(n−1)-dimensional volume of such a random section is studied. T ...
The past decade has seen an increased interest in human activity recognition based on sensor data. Most often, the sensor data come unannotated, creating the need for fast labelling methods. For assessing the quality of the labelling, an appropriate performance measure has to be ...
Random forest is a popular prediction approach for handling high dimensional covariates. However, it often becomes infeasible to interpret the obtained high dimensional and non-parametric model. Aiming for an interpretable predictive model, we develop a forward variable selection ...
Coastal climate impact studies make increasing use of multi-source and multi-dimensional atmospheric and environmental datasets to investigate relationships between climate signals and the ecological response. The large quantity of numerically simulated data may, however, include ...

Statistical integration of heterogeneous omics data

Probabilistic two-way partial least squares (PO2PLS)

The availability of multi-omics data has revolutionized the life sciences by creating avenues for integrated system-level approaches. Data integration links the information across datasets to better understand the underlying biological processes. However, high dimensionality, cor ...
This study proposes a new approach to determine phenomenological or physical relations between microstructure features and the mechanical behavior of metals bridging advanced statistics and materials science in a study of the effect of hard precipitates on the hardening of metal ...
Abstract: The relationship between microstructure features and mechanical properties plays an important role in the design of materials and improvement of properties. Hole expansion capacity plays a fundamental role in defining the formability of metal sheets. Due to the complexi ...
Spring phytoplankton blooms in the southern North Sea substantially contribute to annual primary production and largely influence food web dynamics. Studying long-term changes in spring bloom dynamics is therefore crucial for understanding future climate responses and predicting ...
Suppose X1, …, Xn is a random sample from a bounded and decreasing density f0 on [0, ∞). We are interested in estimating such f0, with special interest in f0 (0). This problem is encountered in various statistical application ...

Isotonic regression for metallic microstructure data

Estimation and testing under order restrictions

Investigating the main determinants of the mechanical performance of metals is not a simple task. Already known physically inspired qualitative relations between 2D microstructure characteristics and 3D mechanical properties can act as the starting point of the investigation. Iso ...
We consider the current status continuous mark model where, if an event takes place before an inspection time T a “continuous mark” variable is observed as well. A Bayesian nonparametric method is introduced for estimating the distribution function of the joint distribution of th ...
Assume we observe a finite number of inspection times together with information on whether a specific event has occurred before each of these times. Suppose replicated measurements are available on multiple event times. The set of inspection times, including the number of inspect ...
Modeling microstructures is an interesting problem not just in materials science, but also in mathematics and statistics. The most basic model for steel microstructure is the Poisson-Voronoi diagram. It has mathematically attractive properties and it has been used in the approxim ...
Kernel estimators are proposed for estimating the cumulative distribution functions and the probability density functions of several quantities of interest in a stereological oriented cylinder model. This oriented cylinder model was developed to represent anisotropic microstructu ...
Understanding the relationship between microstructure features and mechanical properties is of great significance for the improvement and specific adjustment of steel properties. The relationship between mean grain size and yield strength is established by the well-known Hall-Pet ...