J. Hidalgo Garcia

18 records found

This work presents constitutive equations and a dataset of a thermal model for the prediction of temperature fields and heating rates during the application of localized laser treatments to a Fe-C-Ni alloy. The model considers transient material properties and the coupling betwee ...
Localised laser treatments enable the creation of sophisticated austenite/martensite mesostructures in Fe–Ni–C steel with the potential of achieving enhanced mechanical performance. The control of phase topology is essential to modify the properties of these structures on demand ...
This study proposes a new approach to determine phenomenological or physical relations between microstructure features and the mechanical behavior of metals bridging advanced statistics and materials science in a study of the effect of hard precipitates on the hardening of metal ...
The martensitic transformation in pure Fe and its alloys has been studied over many decades. Several theoretical models have been proposed to describe the atomic motion that leads to the fcc-to-bcc martensitic transformation. However, such models do not account for the effect of ...
The realisation of sophisticated hierarchically patterned multiphase steels has the potential to enable unprecedented properties in engineering components. The present work explores the controlled creation of patterned multiphase steels in which the patterns are defined by two di ...

Isotonic regression for metallic microstructure data

Estimation and testing under order restrictions

Investigating the main determinants of the mechanical performance of metals is not a simple task. Already known physically inspired qualitative relations between 2D microstructure characteristics and 3D mechanical properties can act as the starting point of the investigation. Iso ...
The mechanisms driving variant selection phenomena in ausformed bainitic microstructures are not fully controlled yet. Previous results are not congruent among them, as they cannot be explained by the same rule. In this work, we aimed to understand the mechanisms governing varian ...

Assessing the scale contributing factors of three carbide-free bainitic steels

A complementary theoretical and experimental approach

The bainitic ferrite plate thickness is the main parameter that controls the strength of this type of microstructures. Such thickness has been proved to mainly depend on the austenite yield strength, the driving force for the transformation and the transformation temperature. How ...
Crystal plasticity models attempt to reproduce the complex deformation processes of polycrystalline metals based on a virtual representation of the real microstructure. When choosing this representation, a compromise must be made between level of detail at the local level and sta ...
Understanding the local strain enhancement and lattice distortion resulting from different microstructure features in metal alloys is crucial in many engineering processes. The development of heterogeneous strain not only plays an important role in the work hardening of the mater ...
The initial formation of athermal martensite was proven to accelerate the subsequent bainite formation kinetics during isothermal holdings below the martensite-start temperature (Ms). The presence of prior athermal martensite (PAM) within the phase mixture is expected ...
A medium-Mn steel, exhibiting manganese macrosegregation, was investigated. In order to study how the microstructure development influences the fracture mechanisms, the steel was quenching and partitioning processed using two different partitioning temperatures. At 400 °C partiti ...
By means of high-energy synchrotron X-ray diffraction, the interplay between martensite and retained austenite phases in steel during the application of stress has been analyzed. Martensite properties were varied through controlled reheating heat treatments in a low carbon Quench ...
The accelerated formation of bainite in presence of martensite is opening a new processing window for the steel industry. However, for a feasible industrial implementation, it is necessary to determine the mechanical behaviour of the steels developed under such conditions. This s ...
The mechanical and thermal stability of austenite in multiphase advanced high strength steels are influenced by the surrounding microstructure. The mechanisms underlying and the relations between thermal and mechanical stability are still dubious due to the difficulty of isolatin ...
Advanced Multiphase High Strength Steels are generally obtained by applying isothermal treatments around the martensite start temperature (Ms). Previous investigations have shown that bainitic ferrite can form from austenite in isothermal treatments below Ms ...
The role of retained austenite on tensile behavior in quenched and partitioned (Q&P) steels has been studied extensively, but the deformation behavior of martensite, which comprises the majority of Q&P microstructures, has received less attention. In this investigation, m ...
Current trends in steels are focusing on refined martensitic microstructures to obtain high strength and toughness. An interesting manner to reduce the size of martensitic substructure is by reducing the size of the prior austenite grain (PAG). This work analyzes the effect of PA ...