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M.J. Santofimia Navarro

124 records found

This study investigates the microstructural development of commercial low-alloyed AISI 4340 steel through the synergistic application of Binder Jetting and Quenching and Partitioning (QP) processes. The material in the as-sintered condition exhibited significant variations in mic ...
This work discusses the microstructure evolution observed in a quenching and partitioning (Q&P)-processed martensite/austenite stainless steel during the partitioning step at 400 °C for 300 s, where distinct microstructural bands rich in austenite due to elemental segregation ...
Increasing train speeds and the reduction of maintenance slots places high demands on the railway rails. To meet the challenging demands, producers regularly introduce new steel types. In this experimental investigation is the mechanical behavior of an air-cooled vanadium-alloyed ...
This work presents an investigation of the microstructure development during the application of the quenching and partitioning (Q&P) process to two stainless steels with different Mn content. The results are compared with calculations based on the constrained carbon equilibri ...
While experiments show that refining the prior austenite grain size can either accelerate or decelerate bainite formation in steels, kinetic models based on the successive nucleation of bainitic ferrite subunits can only predict an acceleration. In this work we develop a physical ...
The present article investigates the influence of chemical composition and phase fractions on the corrosion behaviour of industrially produced quenching and partitioning (Q&P) martensitic stainless steels. Localised corrosion was analysed by scanning Kelvin probe force micros ...
Carbon segregation to defects in martensite is a phenomenon known for its occurrence and interference with mechanisms such as carbon partitioning in multiphase steels. Especially in martensite–austenite partitioning processes, carbon trapping at/de-trapping from martensite defect ...
Quenching and partitioning (Q&P) treatment has been proven effective in manufacturing advanced high strength steels with high content of retained austenite, showing the improved balance of high strength and sufficient ductility. This method has been very well elaborated for c ...
The influence of carbon concentration variations on pearlite formation (20 h at 600 °C) in a case-carburized steel is investigated. The resultant microstructure shows three distinct regions: carburized case, a transition region, and the original core. The microstructural transiti ...
This work presents constitutive equations and a dataset of a thermal model for the prediction of temperature fields and heating rates during the application of localized laser treatments to a Fe-C-Ni alloy. The model considers transient material properties and the coupling betwee ...
Recent studies have demonstrated the viability of quenching and partitioning (Q&P) treatment for processing martensitic stainless steels showing an improved balance of high strength and sufficient ductility. However, to date, the fatigue behaviour of these materials has not b ...
In many commercial steel processing routes, steel microstructures are reverted to an austenitic condition prior to the final processing steps. Understanding the microstructure development during austenitization is crucial for improving the performance and reliability of the micro ...
Localised laser treatments enable the creation of sophisticated austenite/martensite mesostructures in Fe–Ni–C steel with the potential of achieving enhanced mechanical performance. The control of phase topology is essential to modify the properties of these structures on demand ...
The martensitic transformation in pure Fe and its alloys has been studied over many decades. Several theoretical models have been proposed to describe the atomic motion that leads to the fcc-to-bcc martensitic transformation. However, such models do not account for the effect of ...
Bainite to austenite reversal is one of the grain refinement techniques employed in carburized steels. However, chemical segregation influences the homogeneity of the bainitic structure, which is seminal to exploit the advantages associated with austenite reversal. It is therefor ...
The development of the quenching and partitioning (Q&P) process has prompted an interest in the process of isothermal transformation in presence of a pre-existing phase such as martensite. The presence of prior martensite is known to accelerate the overall kinetics of bainite ...
Nucleation is the re-arrangement of a small number of atoms in the structure of a material leading to a new phase. According to the classical nucleation theory, a nucleus will grow if there is an energetically favourable balance between the stability of the newly formed structure ...
The realisation of sophisticated hierarchically patterned multiphase steels has the potential to enable unprecedented properties in engineering components. The present work explores the controlled creation of patterned multiphase steels in which the patterns are defined by two di ...
In this work, a medium Mn-Ni steel was treated through Quenching and Partitioning (Q&P) with a partitioning temperature (PT) of 650 °C, which corresponded to the start of the austenite reverse transformation (ART) phenomenon. The influence of the quenching temperature (QT) an ...
Quenching & Partitioning (Q&P) steels owe their good strength-ductility combinations to the martensite/austenite (α’/γ) mechanical interactions and to the formation of mechanically-induced martensite (α′mech) through the transformation-induced plasticity (TRIP) ...