C. Kwakernaak
89 records found
This work discusses the microstructure evolution observed in a quenching and partitioning (Q&P)-processed martensite/austenite stainless steel during the partitioning step at 400 °C for 300 s, where distinct microstructural bands rich in austenite due to elemental segregation
This work presents an investigation of the microstructure development during the application of the quenching and partitioning (Q&P) process to two stainless steels with different Mn content. The results are compared with calculations based on the constrained carbon equilibri
Mo(AlxSi1-x)2 alloy with x in the range of 0.35–0.65 were prepared by a one-step spark plasma sintering. To study the exclusive formation of an α-Al2O3 scale, oxidation experiments were conducted in low and high oxygen partia
To prevent premature triggering of the healing reaction in Mo-Si containing self-healing thermal barrier coating system, an oxygen impenetrable shell (α-Al2O3) around the sacrificial healing particles (MoSi2) is desired. Here an encapsulation meth
The effect of the heat treatment on the magnetism, magnetocaloric effect and microstructure formation has been systematically studied in Fe-rich (Mn,Fe)y(P,Si) melt-spun ribbons (1.80 ≤ y ≤ 2.00). XRD, SEM and EDS measurements demonstrate that a metal deficiency prompt
The effect of Co and Ni doping on the structure, magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of Fe-rich (Mn,Fe)2(P,Si) compounds was studied. With increasing Co and Ni content, both the Curie temperature (Tc) and the thermal hysteresis (ΔThys) decrease
The surface oxidation and wettability of Mn and Si-alloyed steel after annealing at different conditions are studied with scanning electron microscope (SEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and a so-called de-wetting method. After exposure at 950 °C for 1 hour in an Ar +
Autonomous healing of creep-induced grain boundary cavities by Au-rich and W-rich precipitates was studied in a Fe-3Au-4W (wt pct) alloy at a fixed temperature of 823 K (550 °C) with different applied stresses. The ternary alloy, with two supersaturated healing solutes, serves as
Single-crystal copper films on sapphire have recently been reported upon in relation to graphene growth on these films. In the present paper the kinetics of the formation of single crystal copper films is investigated. We demonstrate the importance of heating the sapphire substra
Abstract: The precipitation of supersaturated solutes at free surfaces in ternary Fe–3Au–4W and binary Fe–3Au and Fe–4W alloys (composition in weight percentage) for different ageing times was investigated at a temperature of 700 °C. The time evolution of the surface precipitatio
Bones of humans and animals combine two unique features, namely: they are brittle yet have a very high fracture toughness linked to the tortuosity of the crack path and they have the ability to repeatedly heal local fissures such that full recovery of overall mechanical propertie
The melting and dripping behaviour of an iron ore pellet bed mixed with nut coke are investigated through a series of quenching, melting and dripping experiments. In the melting bed of iron ore pellets, nut coke acts as a frame to maintain the passage for the gas flow. The iron c
Recently MoSi2 sacrificial particles embedded in yttria partially stabilized zirconia (YPSZ)have been proposed as attractive healing agents to realize significant extension of the lifetime of the thermally loaded structures. Upon local fracture of the YPSZ, the embedde
When metals are mechanically loaded at elevated temperatures for extended periods of time, creep damage will occur in the form of cavities at grain boundaries. In the present experiments it is demonstrated that in binary iron-tungsten alloys creep damage can be self healed by sel
The influence of the prior austenite grain size (PAGS), varying between 6 and 185 μm, on the microstructural development of a low carbon steel during quenching and partitioning (Q&P) processing is investigated. The effect on the size and morphological aspects of the microcons
The Macroscopic Atom Model (MAM) is extended with the halogens to obtain formation enthalpies and molar volumes of halides. Molar volumes and electron densities were obtained with ab initio methods assuming a hypothetical metallic state. The electronegativity parameter and transf
A fast and generic scheme is proposed to calculate the work of adhesion between two different materials or the cohesive energy between two crystal planes in a material. These calculations make use of the regular solution theory. This theory is extended to describe chemical intera
A wedge loaded testing methodology to determine the fracture energy and strength of (semi-) brittle (metallo-)ceramics is presented. The methodology combines a tailored specimen geometry and a comprehensive finite element analysis based on cohesive zone modelling. The use of a si
We have investigated the autonomous repair of creep damage by site-selective precipitation in a binary Fe-Mo alloy (6.2 wt pct Mo) during constant-stress creep tests at temperatures of 813 K, 823 K, and 838 K (540 °C, 550 °C, and 565 °C). Scanning electron microscopy studies on t