W. Mao

6 records found

Recently MoSi2 sacrificial particles embedded in yttria partially stabilized zirconia (YPSZ)have been proposed as attractive healing agents to realize significant extension of the lifetime of the thermally loaded structures. Upon local fracture of the YPSZ, the embedde ...
Galvanized advanced high strength steels (AHSS) will be the most competitive structural material for automotive applications in the next decade. Oxidation of AHSS during the recrystalization annealing process in a continuous galvanizing line to a large extent influences the quali ...
A multi-element and multi-phase internal oxidation model that couples thermodynamics with kinetics is developed to predict the internal oxidation behaviour of Fe–Mn–Cr steels as a function of annealing time and oxygen partial pressure. To validate the simulation results, selected ...
A dense and closed Wüstite scale is formed on pure iron and Mn alloyed steel after oxidation in Ar + 33 vol pct CO2 + 17 vol pct CO gas mixture. Reducing the Wüstite scale in Ar + H2 gas mixture forms a dense and uniform iron layer on top of the remaining Wü ...
The effect of Cr on the oxidation of Fe–Mn-based steels during isothermal annealing at different dew points was investigated. The Fe–Mn–Cr–(Si) phase diagrams for oxidizing environments were computed to predict the oxide phases. Various Fe–Mn steels with different concentrations ...
An internal oxidation zone with (Mn1 − x,Fex)O mixed oxide precipitates occurs after annealing a Fe – 1.7 at.% Mn steel at 950 °C in N2 plus 5 vol% H2 gas mixture with dew point of 10 °C. Local thermodynamic equilibrium in the internal ...