Circular Image

B. Rieger

115 records found

We address resolution assessment for (light super-resolution) microscopy imaging. In modalities where imaging is not diffraction limited, correlation between two noise independent images is the standard way to infer the resolution. Here we take away the need for two noise indepen ...
DNA-origami nanostructures have shown promising applications in single molecule localization microscopy. They have become a reference standard for benchmarking and for developing new techniques for nanoscopy. Here, we present a pipeline for quantifying the quality of these nano-s ...
We quantify the precision and bias of dynamic light scattering optical coherence tomography (DLS-OCT) measurements of the diffusion coefficient and flow speed for first and second-order normalized autocovariance functions. For both diffusion and flow, the measurement precision an ...
We address (super)resolution assessment of light microscopy via Fourier Ring Correlation (FRC), based on a single camera image. Based on Poisson statistics we can split an image into two noise independent halves, and use this to compute the FRC. The technique is demonstrated on w ...
Fusion of multiple chemically identical complexes, so-called particles, in localization microscopy, can improve the signal-to-noise ratio and overcome under-labeling. To this end, structural homogeneity of the data must be assumed. Biological heterogeneity, however, could be pres ...
Objectives: Digital endoscopes are connected to a video processor that applies various operations to process the image. One of those operations is edge enhancement that sharpens the image. The purpose of this study was to (1) quantify the level of edge enhancement, (2) measure th ...
Single molecule localization microscopy offers resolution nearly down to the molecular level with specific molecular labelling, and is thereby a promising tool for structural biology. In practice, however, the actual value to this field is limited primarily by incomplete fluoresc ...
[This corrects the article DOI: 10.1117/1.JBO.27.10.106001.].@en
Correction to: Scientific Reports, published online 16 August 2023 The original version of this Article contained an error in the upper inset of Figure 4, where the atomic model was missing. The original Figure 4 and accompanying legend appear below. (Figure presented.) Overlay o ...


Single molecule localization microscopy with patterned illumination in 3D

Three dimensional modulation-enhanced single-molecule localization techniques, such as ModLoc, offer advancements in axial localization precision across the entire field of view and axial capture range, by applying phase shifting to the illumination pattern. However, this improve ...
Combining orientation estimation with localization microscopy opens up the possibility to analyze the underlying orientation of biomolecules on the nanometer scale. Inspired by the recent improvement of the localization precision by shifting excitation patterns (MINFLUX, SIMFLUX) ...
SignificanceFlexible endoscopes are essential for medical internal examinations. Digital endoscopes are connected to a video processor that can apply various operations to enhance the image. One of those operations is edge enhancement, which has a major impact on the perceived im ...
Single-molecule localization microscopy super-resolution methods rely on stochastic blinking/binding events, which often occur multiple times from each emitter over the course of data acquisition. Typically, the blinking/binding events from each emitter are treated as independent ...
Summary: We present a fast particle fusion method for particles imaged with single-molecule localization microscopy. The state-of-the-art approach based on all-to-all registration has proven to work well but its computational cost scales unfavorably with the number of particles N ...
Estimating the orientation and 3D position of rotationally constrained emitters with localization microscopy typically requires polarization splitting or a large engineered Point Spread Function (PSF). Here we utilize a compact modified PSF for single molecule emitter imaging to ...
Total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy is an important imaging tool for the investigation of biological structures, especially the study on cellular events near the plasma membrane. Imaging at cryogenic temperatures not only enables observing structures in a nea ...
Structured illumination microscopy (SIM) is a widely used imaging technique that doubles the effective resolution of widefield microscopes. Most current implementations rely on diffractive elements, either gratings or programmable devices, to generate structured light patterns in ...
With the growing popularity of cryogenic correlative light and electron microscopy, it is becoming increasingly important to bridge the resolution gap between these two modalities. At cryogenic temperatures, the photon yield of fluorophores is a few orders of magnitude higher tha ...
Single molecule localization microscopy offers in principle resolution down to the molecular level, but in practice this is limited primarily by incomplete fluorescent labeling of the structure. This missing information can be completed by merging information from many structural ...

Publisher Correction

3D particle averaging and detection of macromolecular symmetry in localization microscopy (Nature Communications, (2021), 12, 1, (2847), 10.1038/s41467-021-22006-5)

The original HTML version of this Article was updated shortly after publication because the previous HTML version linked to an incorrect Supplementary Information file.@en