20 records found


A low-cost glass-based microfluidic flow cell with a piezo actuator is built using off-the-shelf parts (total cost €9 per device) to apply acoustophoretic force on polystyrene micro-beads. The main challenge in the fabrication of these devices was to ensure their leak tightnes ...


Single molecule localization microscopy with patterned illumination in 3D

Three dimensional modulation-enhanced single-molecule localization techniques, such as ModLoc, offer advancements in axial localization precision across the entire field of view and axial capture range, by applying phase shifting to the illumination pattern. However, this impr ...

To better understand the interactions between biological molecules, a high optical resolution in all three dimensions is crucial. The intrinsically lower axial resolution of microscopes however, is a limiting factor in fluorescence imaging, correspondingly in fluorescence base ...

Kinetic inductance detectors (KIDs) are superconducting energy-resolving detectors, sensitive to single photons from the near-infrared to ultraviolet. We study a hybrid KID design consisting of a β-phase tantalum (β-Ta) inductor and a Nb-Ti-N interdigitated capacitor. The devi ...

Individual cells and multicellular systems respond to cell-scale curvatures in their environments, guiding migration, orientation, and tissue formation. However, it remains largely unclear how cells collectively explore and pattern complex landscapes with curvature gradients a ...

Optical micromachines have the potential to improve the capabilities of optical tweezers by amplifying forces and allowing for indirect handling and probing of specimens. However, systematic design and testing of micromachine performance is still an emerging field. In this work w ...


Single-objective lens inclined light sheet localization microscopy

High-NA light sheet illumination can improve the resolution of single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) by reducing the background fluorescence. These approaches currently require custom-made sample holders or additional specialized objectives, which makes the sample mou ...

Optical sectioning technologies achieve high precision localization by reducing the background photon count. We use tilted light-sheet microscopy to achieve optical sectioning in localization microscopy, enabling thick sample observation and low background photon count images. A ...

Single-photon avalanche diode (SPAD) arrays can be used for single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) because of their high frame rate and lack of readout noise. SPAD arrays have a binary frame output, which means photon arrivals should be described as a binomial process ...

Optical sectioning technologies achieve high precision localization by reducing the background photon count. We use tilted light-sheet microscopy to achieve optical sectioning in localization microscopy, enabling thick sample observation and low background photon count images. ...

Optical microrobotics is an emerging field that has the potential to improve upon current optical tweezer studies through avenues such as limiting the exposure of biological molecules of interest to laser radiation and overcoming the current limitations of low forces and unwan ...

Detected kidney stone cases are increasing globally, yet knowledge on the conditions for stone formation is lacking. Experimental approaches mimicking the micro-environmental conditions present in vivo can help sci-entists untangle intertwined physiochemical and biological phenom ...

Organ-on-chip (OoC) technology is increasingly used for biomedical research and to speed up the process of bringing a drug from lab to the market. The main fluidic components of an OoC device are microfluidic channels and porous membranes arranged in three dimensions. Current ...

Advances in nanofabrication over the past twenty years have enabled the creation and use of ever-more interesting and useful micromachines. Optical micromachines are a particularly attractive subset of these for researchers in biological and soft-matter sciences, due to their ...

Fabricating large areas of geometrically complex and precisely controlled topographies is required for the studies of cell behavior on patterned surfaces. Direct laser writing (DLW) is an advanced 3D-fabrication technique, which facilitates the manufacturing of structures within ...

Recently, we have experimentally demonstrated the generation of mW average power, in the 100-600GHz bandwidth, by photoconductive sources using a connected array of dipoles coherently fed via a free-standing micro-lens array. In this contribution, we extend these sources to a ...

The realization of biomimetic microenvironments for cell biology applications such as organ-on-chip, in vitro drug screening, and tissue engineering is one of the most fascinating research areas in the field of bioengineering. The continuous evolution of additive manufacturing te ...


Acoustic Force Spectroscopy (AFS) is a versatile tool that uses sound waves to manipulate tiny particles such as cells, bacteria, and even zebrafish embryos in microfluidic systems. This kind of acoustic tweezer is gaining increasing attention due to its high throughput capabilit ...
A research gap exists in a targeted drug delivery into the brain with an implant placed on the outer surface of the cerebral cortex. If an implant with spatial control that can release drugs to a target location can be developed, it will provide efficient treatment opportunities ...
Kidney stone disease is an increasing worldwide issue. There is a current lack of understanding of the exact mechanisms involved, partially due to the need for experimental instrumentation able to mimic the microenvironmental conditions present in vivo. As crystal nucleation oft ...