E. Charbon-Iwasaki-Charbon

278 records found

This article presents a family of sub-1-V, fully-CMOS voltage references adopting MOS devices in weak inversion to achieve continuous operation from room temperature (RT) down to cryogenic temperatures. Their accuracy limitations due to curvature, body effect, and mismatch are in ...
The grand challenge of scaling up quantum computers requires a full-stack architectural standpoint. In this position paper, we will present the vision of a new generation of scalable quantum computing architectures featuring distributed quantum cores (Qcores) interconnected via q ...
As big strides were being made in many science fields in the 1970s and 80s, faster computation for solving problems in molecular biology, semiconductor technology, aeronautics, particle physics, etc., was at the forefront of research. Parallel and super-computers were introduced, ...


A 512×1 linear SPAD camera with system-level 135-ps SPTR and a reconfigurable computational engine for time-resolved single-photon imaging

The LinoSPAD2 camera combines a 512×1 linear single-photon avalanche diode (SPAD) array with an FPGA-based photon-counting and time-stamping platform, to create a reconfigurable sensing system capable of detecting single photons. The read-out is fully parallel, where each SPAD is ...
This article presents the first cryogenic phase-locked loop (PLL) operating at 4.2 K. The PLL is designed for the control system of scalable quantum computers. The specifications of PLL are derived from the required control fidelity for a single-qubit operation. By considering th ...
This article presents a two-times interleaved, loop-unrolled SAR analog-to-digital converter (ADC) operational from 300 down to 4.2 K. The 6-8-bit resolution and the sampling speed up to 1 GS/s are targeted at digitizing the multi-channel frequency-multiplexed input in a spin-qub ...
This article presents a low-jitter and low-spur charge-sampling phase-locked loop (CSPLL). A charge-domain sub-sampling phase detector is introduced to achieve a high phase-detection gain and to reduce the PLL in-band phase noise. Even without employing any power-hungry isolation ...
Quantum computers have been heralded as a novel paradigm for the solution of today's intractable problems, whereas the core principles of quantum computation are superposition, entanglement and interference, three fundamental properties of quantum mechanics [1]. A quantum compute ...
This article presents a 4-to-5GHz LC oscillator operating at 4.2K for quantum computing applications. The phase noise (PN) specification of the oscillator is derived based on the control fidelity for a single-qubit operation. To reveal the substantial gap between the theoretical ...
In preterm infants, there is a risk of life-lasting impairments due to hemorrhagic/ischemic lesions. Our time-domain (TD) near-infrared optical tomography (NIROT) system “Pioneer” aims at detecting both disorders with high spatial resolution. Successfully tested on phantoms, “Pio ...
The most promising quantum algorithms require quantum processors that host millions of quantum bits when targeting practical applications1. A key challenge towards large-scale quantum computation is the interconnect complexity. In current solid-state qubit implementati ...
Single-photon avalanche diode (SPAD) arrays can be used for single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) because of their high frame rate and lack of readout noise. SPAD arrays have a binary frame output, which means photon arrivals should be described as a binomial process rat ...
The neonatal brain is a vulnerable organ, and lesions due to hemorrhage and/or ischemia occur frequently in preterm neonates. Even though neuroprotective therapies exist, there is no tool available to detect the ischemic lesions. To address this problem, we have recently designed ...


The First Fully Integrated Analog SiPM with On-Chip Time Conversion

Blumino is the first analog silicon photomultiplier with integrated amplifier, comparator and time-To-digital converter (TDC). The combination of a photodetector together with on-chip readout circuitry enables system-level advantages, such as internal parasitic reduction, compact ...
Quantum computers (QC) promise to solve certain computational problems exponentially faster than a classical computer due to the superposition and entanglement properties of quantum bits (qubits). Among several qubit technologies, spin qubits are a promising candidate for large-s ...
Quantum computers (QCs) promise significant speedup for relevant computational problems that are intractable by classical computers. QCs process information stored in quantum bits (qubits) that must be typically cooled down to cryogenic temperatures. Since state-of-the-art QCs em ...
In quantum computing (QC) systems, cryogenic electronic interfaces can address the scalability and sheer interconnect complexity of the control/readout of thousands of quantum bits (qubits) required to execute practical quantum algorithms [1]. As shown in Fig.1-top, a frequency s ...

Cryogenic CMOS Circuits and Systems

Challenges and Opportunities in Designing the Electronic Interface for Quantum Processors

This article describes the challenges and opportunities encountered in designing an electronic interface for quantum processors. It focuses on the use of standard CMOS technology to design and fabricate integrated circuits (ICs) operating at cryogenic temperatures. The article al ...
Fluorescence molecular tomography (FMT) emerges as a powerful non-invasive imaging tool with the ability to resolve fluorescence signals from sources located deep in living tissues. Yet, the accuracy of FMT reconstruction depends on the deviation of the assumed optical properties ...
This paper presents a device matching study of a commercial 40-nm bulk CMOS technology operated at cryogenic temperatures. Transistor pairs and linear arrays, optimized for device matching, were characterized over the temperature range from 300 K down to 4.2 K. The device paramet ...