M.J. Joosten

4 records found


Publisher Correction

3D particle averaging and detection of macromolecular symmetry in localization microscopy (Nature Communications, (2021), 12, 1, (2847), 10.1038/s41467-021-22006-5)

The original HTML version of this Article was updated shortly after publication because the previous HTML version linked to an incorrect Supplementary Information file.

Single molecule localization microscopy offers in principle resolution down to the molecular level, but in practice this is limited primarily by incomplete fluorescent labeling of the structure. This missing information can be completed by merging information from many structural ...


Gas vesicles, micrometer-scale protein structures that function as bacterial buoyancy providers, encapsulate gas in a highly optimized manner. While their atomic structure has been elucidated through single-particle analysis of cryo-EM images, certain structural and functional de ...