K. Traka
13 records found
This work investigates the formation of the recrystallisation microstructure and texture of various single-phase ferrite low-carbon steels that were rolled at different temperatures and of which the deformation microstructure was characterized by high resolution electron backscat
This work discusses the microstructure evolution observed in a quenching and partitioning (Q&P)-processed martensite/austenite stainless steel during the partitioning step at 400 °C for 300 s, where distinct microstructural bands rich in austenite due to elemental segregation
This study investigates the sub-structure of IF steel in three conditions: cold rolled, statically recovered, and warm rolled. After both cold and warm rolling, the steel exhibits the typical 〈110〉//RD and 〈111〉//ND fiber textures. Considering the short-range misorientation gradi
Carbon segregation to defects in martensite is a phenomenon known for its occurrence and interference with mechanisms such as carbon partitioning in multiphase steels. Especially in martensite–austenite partitioning processes, carbon trapping at/de-trapping from martensite defect
This work investigates the role of grain size and recrystallization texture in the corrosion behavior of pure iron in 0.1 M sulfuric acid solution. Annealing heat treatment was applied to obtain samples with different average grain sizes (26, 53 and 87 µm). Optical microscopy, X-
High-resolution three-dimensional crystal plasticity simulations are used to investigate deformation heterogeneity and microstructure evolution during cold rolling of interstitial free (IF-) steel. A Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)-based spectral solver is used to conduct crystal pl
Physics-based crystal plasticity models rely on certain statistical assumptions about the collective behavior of dislocation populations on one slip system and their interactions with the dislocations on the other slip systems. One main advantage of using such physics-based const
The present thesis investigates recrystallization and related phenomena in interstitial free (IF) and low carbon (LC) microstructures. Emphasis is given mostly on the early stages of recrystallization, i.e. nucleation stage. The investigations are performed with experimental meas
A cellular automaton algorithm for curvature-driven coarsening is applied to a cold-rolled interstitial-free steel's microstructure - obtained through electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). Recrystallization nucleation occurs naturally during the simulation, due to the highly h
The capability of high-resolution modeling of crystals subjected to large plastic strain is essential in predicting many important phenomena occurring in polycrystalline materials, such as microstructure, deformation localization and in-grain texture evolution. However, due to th
The role of microstructural defects (dislocation density and grain boundary areas) on the passive film properties formed on cold- and hot-rolled interstitial free (IF) steels is investigated in 0.1 M NaOH solution. Electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) shows higher microstruc
A severe obstacle for the routine use of crystal plasticity models is the effort associated with determining their constitutive parameters. Obtaining these parameters usually requires time-consuming micromechanical tests that allow probing of individual grains. In this study, a n
Low-alloyed steels with body-centered cubic crystal structure are a material class that is widely used for sheet metal forming applications. When having an adequate crystallographic texture and microstructure, their mechanical behavior is characterized by an isotropic in-plane fl