J. Sietsma
527 records found
Increasing train speeds and the reduction of maintenance slots places high demands on the railway rails. To meet the challenging demands, producers regularly introduce new steel types. In this experimental investigation is the mechanical behavior of an air-cooled vanadium-alloyed
This work investigates the formation of the recrystallisation microstructure and texture of various single-phase ferrite low-carbon steels that were rolled at different temperatures and of which the deformation microstructure was characterized by high resolution electron backscat
The production reality of sheet steels from casting to the end product is such that in the cases of ultra- and advanced high-strength steels, we have to deal with the segregation of elements on macro- and microlevels. Both can have a significant impact on the microstructure forma
Carbon segregation to defects in martensite is a phenomenon known for its occurrence and interference with mechanisms such as carbon partitioning in multiphase steels. Especially in martensite–austenite partitioning processes, carbon trapping at/de-trapping from martensite defect
High strength steels are widely used for structural applications, where a combination of excellent strength and ductile-to-brittle transition (DBT) properties are required. However, such a combination of high strength and toughness can be deteriorated in the heat affected zone (H
Static Unified Inelastic Model
Pre- and post-yield dislocation-mediated deformation
Modelling dislocation glide over the initial part of a stress–strain curve of metals received little attention up to now. However, dislocation glide is essential to ones understanding of the fundamental relationship between inelastic deformation and the evolution of the dislocati
Details of pearlite to austenite transformation in steel
Experiments and phase-field modeling
The austenitization of an initial pearlitic microstructure is simulated using the phase field model to achieve insight into White Etching Layer (WEL) formation in pearlitic railway steels. The simulations take into account the resolution of the cementite lamellae within a pearlit
The influence of carbon concentration variations on pearlite formation (20 h at 600 °C) in a case-carburized steel is investigated. The resultant microstructure shows three distinct regions: carburized case, a transition region, and the original core. The microstructural transiti
Multi-barrier cleavage models consider cleavage fracture which is characterized by a series of microscale events. One of the challenges for multi-barrier cleavage models is the strong variations of cleavage parameters across different types of steels. The source and magnitude of
This work investigates the role of grain size and recrystallization texture in the corrosion behavior of pure iron in 0.1 M sulfuric acid solution. Annealing heat treatment was applied to obtain samples with different average grain sizes (26, 53 and 87 µm). Optical microscopy, X-
Study of the cleavage behavior of heat treated S690 steel by a microstructure-based approach combined with finite element analysis is present in this paper. Cleavage simulations of steels subjected to heat treatments that cause grain refinement or simulate heat affected zones are
In many commercial steel processing routes, steel microstructures are reverted to an austenitic condition prior to the final processing steps. Understanding the microstructure development during austenitization is crucial for improving the performance and reliability of the micro
In the present study, the nucleation of static recrystallization (SRX) in austenite after hot deformation is experimentally analyzed using a Ni-30 pct Fe model alloy. In agreement with the predictions by current models, nucleation rate exhibits a strong peak, early during SRX. Wh
Thick section S690 QT steel is modelled with a modified multibarrier model that is based on the weakest-link mechanism. Segregation bands are modelled as discrete layers which have different grain size, yield properties, and local fracture parameters from outside of the bands. Th
High-resolution three-dimensional crystal plasticity simulations are used to investigate deformation heterogeneity and microstructure evolution during cold rolling of interstitial free (IF-) steel. A Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)-based spectral solver is used to conduct crystal pl
Passive Film Properties of Martensitic Steels in Alkaline Environment
Influence of the Prior Austenite Grain Size
The role of prior austenite grain size (PAGS) on the passive layer properties of martensitic steels is studied. Electron backscatter diffraction analysis shows that PAGS between 5 and 66 µm were obtained after applying different heat treatments. The barrier properties of passive
This study proposes a new approach to determine phenomenological or physical relations between microstructure features and the mechanical behavior of metals bridging advanced statistics and materials science in a study of the effect of hard precipitates on the hardening of metal
In the present work, an ODS 12 Cr steel was characterized using Electron Microscopy techniques, in an as-received condition and after annealing treatments between 773 K and 1573 K. Results show a complex microstructure, with the presence of fine Y–Ti–O nanoparticles dispersed in
The influence of soaking and cooling rates on the final microstructure of a R260Mn pearlitic railway steel subjected to fast heating is investigated. Fast-heating experiments followed or not by soaking and cooling at different rates were performed using quenching dilatometry on r
Quenching & Partitioning (Q&P) steels owe their good strength-ductility combinations to the martensite/austenite (α’/γ) mechanical interactions and to the formation of mechanically-induced martensite (α′mech) through the transformation-induced plasticity (TRIP)