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C.L. Walters

26 records found

Ductile fracture in steels relevant to the offshore and maritime industry is often characterized by the occurrence of slant fracture, which is the development of fracture surfaces that are slanted relative to the original surface of the material. The modeling of this phenomenon i ...
Over the past decades, vessel dimensions have grown considerably. Hence, marine structures need to absorb the larger berthing energy associated with these modern vessels. To absorb this berthing energy, quay walls and jetties are typically equipped with fender systems. In contras ...
Cohesive zone and eXtended Finite Element Modeling (xFEM) are promising methods for modeling the propagation of a crack using coarse meshes and hence saving considerable computational time. The Traction Separation Law (TSL) that is needed for such techniques is, however, mostly d ...
Rotary forming is a promising technique for high-volume, low-cost production of fuel cell components such as bipolar plates, but it needs to be better characterized for this application. In this paper, die design parameters in rotary forming of ultra-thin stainless steel 316 L sh ...
Study of the cleavage behavior of heat treated S690 steel by a microstructure-based approach combined with finite element analysis is present in this paper. Cleavage simulations of steels subjected to heat treatments that cause grain refinement or simulate heat affected zones are ...
Multi-barrier cleavage models consider cleavage fracture which is characterized by a series of microscale events. One of the challenges for multi-barrier cleavage models is the strong variations of cleavage parameters across different types of steels. The source and magnitude of ...
High strength steels are widely used for structural applications, where a combination of excellent strength and ductile-to-brittle transition (DBT) properties are required. However, such a combination of high strength and toughness can be deteriorated in the heat affected zone (H ...
High-strength steel beams are known to have less plastic rotation capacity than beams with lower yield strengths. This has been related to the decreased strain-hardening ability of high-strength steels, and various rules and standards for steel structures stipulate maximum limits ...
For structural assessment and optimal design of thick-section high-strength steels in applications under harsh service conditions, it is essential to understand the cleavage fracture micromechanisms. In this study, we assess the effects of through-thickness microstructure of an 8 ...
The through-thickness heterogeneous microstructure of thick-section high strength steels is responsible for the significant scatter of properties along the thickness. In this study, in order to identify the critical microstructural features in the fracture behaviour and allow for ...
Application of high-strength steels in the maritime and offshore industry is currently limited by rules governing the ratio of the yield to tensile strength (the Y/T ratio). To better understand the physical basis for these rules, the nature and extent of the plastic stress/strai ...
Thick section S690 QT steel is modelled with a modified multibarrier model that is based on the weakest-link mechanism. Segregation bands are modelled as discrete layers which have different grain size, yield properties, and local fracture parameters from outside of the bands. Th ...
The failure assessment line (FAL) describes the interaction between plastic failure and fracture of flawed steel components subjected to tension or bending. This paper quantifies the model uncertainty of the FAL as provided in the internationally used British Standard BS 7910:201 ...
The properties of reinforcing steel must comply with the fundamental assumptions underlying structural codes of practice on which verifications of structural behaviour are based. This is of predominant importance not only for design but also for assessment, where demand of deform ...

Efficient hydrogen storage in defective graphene and its mechanical stability

A combined density functional theory and molecular dynamics simulation study

A combined density functional theory and molecular dynamics approach is employed to study modifications of graphene at atomistic level for better H2 storage. The study reveals H2 desorption from hydrogenated defective graphene structure, V222, to ...
This work discusses the design and demonstration of an in-situ test setup for testing pipeline steels in a high pressure gaseous hydrogen (H2) environment. A miniature hollow pipe-like tensile specimen was designed that acts as the gas containment volume during the test. Specific ...
Upper limits on the ratio of the yield strength to the tensile strength (σyu ratio) and lower limits on the fracture elongation εf are present in various offshore, maritime and civil engineering rules, standards and specifications for steel stru ...
In this study, we investigate the effect of the heterogeneous micromechanical stress fields resulting from the grain-scale anisotropy on the redistribution of hydrogen using a diffusion coupled crystal plasticity model. A representative volume element with periodic boundary condi ...
With fossil fuels being phased out and growing global interest in a hydrogen economy, there is demand for re-purposing existing pipelines for transportation of hydrogen gas. However, hydrogen embrittlement (HE) can limit pipeline steel’s performance. In this study, the effect of ...
In a prior project, TNO has presented a low-cost way of finding fracture toughness of base materials for cleavage fracture. That method features a small-scale CTOD specimen, combined with simplified sensors, less fatigue pre-cracking, faster testing, and no need for a temperature ...