12 records found

Study of the cleavage behavior of heat treated S690 steel by a microstructure-based approach combined with finite element analysis is present in this paper. Cleavage simulations of steels subjected to heat treatments that cause grain refinement or simulate heat affected zones are ...
Multi-barrier cleavage models consider cleavage fracture which is characterized by a series of microscale events. One of the challenges for multi-barrier cleavage models is the strong variations of cleavage parameters across different types of steels. The source and magnitude of ...
The need for more accurate cleavage modelling is particularly acute for a new generation of high-strength steels because they obtain their favourable properties through complex, multi-phase microstructures. One of the challenges in cleavage modelling is the strong sensitivity to ...

Additive manufacturing of functionally graded inconel 718

Effect of heat treatment and building orientation on microstructure and fatigue behaviour

This paper addresses the effect of the post-process heat treatments on the microstructure and fatigue crack growth behaviour of the functionally graded (FG) laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) Inconel 718 (IN718) superalloy. Sets of samples were additively manufactured (AM) altering ...
Thick section S690 QT steel is modelled with a modified multibarrier model that is based on the weakest-link mechanism. Segregation bands are modelled as discrete layers which have different grain size, yield properties, and local fracture parameters from outside of the bands. Th ...
The through-thickness heterogeneous microstructure of thick-section high strength steels is responsible for the significant scatter of properties along the thickness. In this study, in order to identify the critical microstructural features in the fracture behaviour and allow for ...
For structural assessment and optimal design of thick-section high-strength steels in applications under harsh service conditions, it is essential to understand the cleavage fracture micromechanisms. In this study, we assess the effects of through-thickness microstructure of an 8 ...
In this paper, the effect of microstructural anisotropy on the fatigue crack growth behaviour of the functionally graded Inconel 718 fabricated through laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) is investigated. Different manufacturing parameters, including low and high laser powers, were u ...
Macroscale cleavage fracture toughness of high strength steels is strongly related to the fracture of hard microstructural inclusions. Therefore, an accurate determination of the local stress on these inclusions based on the matrix stress is necessary for the statistical modellin ...
One of the main challenges in applying thick-section high-strength steels (HSS) at arctic condition in offshore and maritime industry is to maintain a sufficient level of toughness to prevent brittle failure. An aspect that requires special attention is the through-thickness micr ...

Recent developments and challenges of cleavage fracture modelling in steels

Aspects on microstructural mechanics and local approach methods

Offshore activity in low-temperature areas requires the use of analysis methods that are capable of reliably predicting cleavage (brittle) fracture of ferritic steels in order to guarantee the structural integrity during service. Cleavage fracture is controlled by physical events ...
The modelling of bond behavior can be an important aspect in the reliability assessment of corroded reinforced concrete structures. However, existing models for bond properties of corroded reinforcement - to our knowledge - are not expressed in probabilistic terms and hence not c ...