Jan Van Der Stel

18 records found

In the pre-reduction cyclone of the HIsarna process, both thermal decomposition and gas reduction of the injected iron ores occur simultaneously at gas temperatures of 1723–1773 K. In this study, the kinetics of the thermal decomposition of three iron ores (namely OreA, OreB and ...
Coal is playing a major role as a reductant and as an energy source in the present world steel production due to its low cost and widespread distribution around the world. At the same time, being the largest contributor to global CO2 emissions, coal faces significant environmenta ...
Bed permeability is a crucial factor in blast furnace efficiency and stability. The Discrete Element Method (DEM) has been used extensively to model material flow in different parts of the furnace and holds great potential for optimizing the permeability. The inherent computation ...
The blast furnace hearth plays an important role in the operational stability and lifetime of the reactor. The quasi-stagnant bed of coke particles termed the deadman undergoes complex interaction with the flowing hot metal, and remains largely ill-understood. In this work, a col ...
Magnetic particle tracking (MPT) was employed to study a rotating drum filled with cork particles, using both air and water as interstitial medium. This noninvasive monitoring technique allows for the tracking of both particle translation and rotation in dry granular and liquid–s ...
In this work, large-scale simulations of the blast furnace hearth are presented, conducted using a model combining Computational Fluid Dynamics, the Volume of Fluid method, and the Discrete Element Method. Using a 5 m diameter, full-3D geometry, the influence of burden weight, bi ...
Suspension reduction kinetics of hematite ore particles at 1710 K to 1785 K was described by the Johnson-Mehl-Avrami-Kolmogorov model with Avrami exponent of 1.405. The apparent activation energy is 105.5 kJ mol−1 with the rate determining step of nucleation and growth ...
In order to understand the pre-reduction behaviour of fine hematite particles in the HIsarna process, change of morphology, phase and crystallography during the reduction were investigated in the high temperature drop tube furnace. Polycrystalline magnetite shell formed within 20 ...
Physicochemical behaviour of the pellets, sinters and its mixture (60% pellets: 40% sinter) is investigated by a series of smelting and quenching experiments. For all ferrous raw-material beds, three distinct stages of bed shrinkage occur due to indirect reduction, softening and ...
Liquid-solid systems are frequently encountered in industrial processes and it is broadly recognised that numerical simulations are a useful tool for gaining insight in these processes. In this study, the unresolved CFD-DEM approach is extended with a complete momentum coupling f ...
High-temperature reduction processes of iron oxide particles suspension are promising in carbon emission abatement. Recently, researchers have contributed abundant knowledge of the reaction mechanism and kinetics of iron oxide particles above 1473 K, while there was very limited ...
Effect of nut coke addition with ferrous burden (pellet and sinter mixture) is experimentally investigated under simulated blast furnace conditions. Nut coke mixing degree was varied (0, 20 and 40 wt-%) as a replacement of the regular coke. During smelting, the ferrous bed evolve ...
In order to understand the thermal decomposition kinetics of hematite particles in inert atmosphere, thermogravimetriy was employed for isoconversional analysis. The kinetic triplet was estimated from the experimental data and the isothermal reaction kinetics was predicted. The r ...
HIsarna is a promising ironmaking technology to reduce CO 2 emission. Information of phase trans ...
One of the primary causes that limit the blast furnace productivity is the resistance exerted to the gas flow in the cohesive zone by the ferrous burden. Use of nut coke (10–40 mm) together with ferrous burden proves beneficial for decreasing this resistance. In present study, ef ...
The melting and dripping behaviour of an iron ore pellet bed mixed with nut coke are investigated through a series of quenching, melting and dripping experiments. In the melting bed of iron ore pellets, nut coke acts as a frame to maintain the passage for the gas flow. The iron c ...
Melting and reduction of fine iron ore particles in the gas environment of a HIsarna smelting cyclone is a critically important topic, but very limited information is currently available except for some experimental data from high temperature drop tube furnace (HTDF). This work d ...
In the blast furnace, nut coke is utilized in a mixture with the ferrous burden to improve the gas permeability. Although applied in a broad range (10–40 mm, 2–23 wt-%), limited information is available on changed burden behaviour in its presence. In the present study, the detail ...