J. A.M. Kuipers
60 records found
Rectangular jets exhibit axis-switching behavior which results in enhanced flow entrainment compared to round jets. This feature allows for their potential industrial use as passive flow controllers in mixing applications. However, rectangular jets have received limited attention
In this work, large-scale simulations of the blast furnace hearth are presented, conducted using a model combining Computational Fluid Dynamics, the Volume of Fluid method, and the Discrete Element Method. Using a 5 m diameter, full-3D geometry, the influence of burden weight, bi
A parallel and scalable stochastic Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method applied to large-scale dense bubbly flows is reported in this paper. The DSMC method is applied to speed up the bubble-bubble collision handling relative to the Discrete Bubble Model proposed by Darman
In this work, we perform simulations of particle laden flow in a wide and long narrow channel in a Newtonian fluid. Simulations are performed for mono-sized and equal density spheres with varying Archimedes and Reynolds number. In the simulations, different phases of particle tra
Fluidization of spherical versus elongated particles
Experimental investigation using magnetic particle tracking
In biomass processing fluidized beds are used to process granular materials where particles typically possess elongated shapes. However, for simplicity, in computer simulations particles are often considered spherical, even though elongated particles experience more complex parti
Particle based approaches are one of the recent modeling techniques to overcome the computational limitation in multiscale modeling of complex processes, for example a heterogeneous catalytic reactor. We propose an efficient model for a chemical reactor where hydrodynamics of the
In this work, we investigate the influence of channel structure and fluid rheology on non-inertial migration of non-Brownian polystyrene beads. Particle migration in this regime can be found in biomedical, chemical, environmental and geological applications. However, the effect o
Recently, we have extended the kinetic theory of granular flow (KTGF) to include friction between the spherical particles and tested it in rectangular geometries. In this study, the extended KTGF implemented in cylindrical coordinates is used to model the more-commonly employed c
Large scale simulation models can aid in improving the design of spray dryers. In this work an Eulerian-Lagrangian model with coupled gas phase and droplet heat and mass transfer balances is used to study airflow dynamics, temperature and humidity profiles at different positions
In this work we investigate droplet-droplet collision interactions in a spray system using an Eulerian-Lagrangian model with subgrid turbulence dispersion. The effect of different droplet viscosities on the type and frequency of droplet collision is investigated, knowledge of whi
In this paper, an accurate and stable sharp interface immersed boundary method(IBM) is presented for the direct numerical simulation of particle laden flows. The current IBM method is based on the direct-forcing method by incorporating the ghost-cell approach implicitly. An impor
In this experimental study the segregation behavior for fluidized mixtures of spherical and cylindrical particles is investigated. In industry, fluidization of particles featuring a wide range of shapes is common in various applications such as biomass gasification, drying applic
Accurate direct numerical simulations are performed to determine the drag, lift and torque coefficients of non-spherical particles. The numerical simulations are performed using the lattice Boltzmann method with multi-relaxation time. The motivation for this work is the need for
Spray drying is an important industrial process to produce powdered milk, in which concentrated milk is atomized into small droplets and dried with hot gas. The characteristics of the produced milk powder are largely affected by agglomeration, combination of dry and partially dry
Experimental investigation of non-Newtonian droplet collisions
The role of extensional viscosity
We investigate the collision behaviour of a shear thinning non-Newtonian fluid xanthan, by binary droplet collision experiments. Droplet collisions of non-Newtonian fluids are more complex than their Newtonian counterpart as the viscosity no longer remains constant during the col
Hypothesis Multiphase flow through porous media is important in a number of industrial, natural and biological processes. One application is enhanced oil recovery (EOR), where a resident oil phase is displaced by a Newtonian or polymeric fluid. In EOR, the two-phase immiscible di
We investigate creeping viscoelastic fluid flow through two-dimensional porous media consisting of random arrangements of monodisperse and bidisperse cylinders, using our finite volume-immersed boundary method introduced in S. De, et al., J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., 2016, 232,
A complete knowledge of the effect of droplet viscosity on droplet-droplet collision outcomes is essential for industrial processes such as spray drying. When droplets with dispersed solids are dried, the apparent viscosity of the dispersed phase increases by many orders of magni