
A.E.D.M. van der Heijden

60 records found

Calcium oxalate (CaOx) crystallization under laminar flow conditions, relevant for kidney stone formation, was studied in a microfluidic device simulating the geometry of kidney collecting ducts. In a typical microfluidic experiment, two reactive solutions with designated concent ...
PURPOSE: Platinum-based chemotherapy and immune checkpoint inhibitors are key components of systemic treatment for muscle-invasive and advanced urothelial cancer. The ideal integration of these two treatment modalities remains unclear as clinical trials have led to inconsistent r ...
Results from particle-resolved Direct numerical simulations are presented for dense suspensions of frictional non-colloidal spheres in viscous pressure-driven channel flow. The bulk solid volume fraction varies between ϕb=0.2 and 0.6, and the Coulomb friction coefficie ...

Interparticle friction in sheared dense suspensions

Comparison of the viscous and frictional rheology descriptions

In the literature, two different frameworks exist for describing the rheology of solid/liquid suspensions: (1) the “viscous” framework in terms of the relative suspension viscosity, ηr, as a function of the reduced solid volume fraction, f=fm, with fm
Non-photochemical laser-induced nucleation (NPLIN) has emerged as a promising primary nucleation control technique offering spatiotemporal control over crystallization with potential for polymorph control. So far, NPLIN was mostly investigated in milliliter vials, through laborio ...
Herein, we study the influences of the laser-exposed volume and the irradiation position on the nonphotochemical laser-induced nucleation (NPLIN) of supersaturated potassium chloride solutions in water. The effect of the exposed volume on the NPLIN probability was studied by expo ...
The increasing prevalence of urolithiasis in industrialized societies triggered considerable interest in how various species found in urine regulate the nucleation and growth of common kidney stone constituents such as calcium oxalate (CaOx). Yet, the role macromolecules play in ...
A droplet-based microfluidic platform is presented to study the nucleation kinetics of calcium oxalate monohydrate (COM), the most common constituent of kidney stones, while carefully monitoring the pseudo-polymorphic transitions. The precipitation kinetics of COM is studied as a ...
Nonphotochemical laser-induced nucleation (NPLIN) is a promising primary nucleation control method, yet its underlying mechanism remains elusive. To contribute to the discussion on whether the polarization of laser irradiation in NPLIN experiments influences the polymorphic outco ...
Accurate Calcium Oxalate Monohydrate (COM) solubility measurements are essential for elucidating the physiochemical mechanism behind the formation of kidney stones, nephrolithiasis. Yet the reported solubility values of COM in ultrapure water, arguably the simplest solvent releva ...
In this comparative study, a solid composite, AN/HTPB-based propellant was prepared by conventional processing in a mechanical mixer and by applying an advanced processing technique relying on resonant acoustic mixing (RAM). After curing of the propellants, cross-sections were pr ...
In the domain of energetic nanomaterials, more specifically nano-sized explosives and oxidizers, many small scale production methods have been explored up to now. So far only limited attempts have been made to scale up the production to tens or maximally a few hunderds of grams. ...
The aim of this paper is to produce spherical encapsulates of wheat gluten in a food-grade biopolymer for preparing sheared meat analogs, to prevent instant fibrilization of the gluten during a pre-mixing step. The hydrogel should release the gluten inside the Couette Cell, as a ...
A tensile module system placed within a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) was utilized to conduct in-situ tensile testing of propellant samples. The tensile module system allows for real-time in-situ SEM analysis of the samples to determine the failure mechanism of the propellan ...
In an attempt to further contribute to the characterization of explosive compositions, small scale Floret tests were performed using four RDX grades, differing in product quality. A Floret test provides a measure - by indentation of a copper block - of detonation spreading or the ...
When applied to a pure component suspension in an apolar solvent, a strong inhomogeneous electric field induces particle movement, and the particles are collected at the surface of one of the two electrodes. This new phenomenon was used to separately isolate two organic crystalli ...
The influence of an explosion-driven deformation on the defect structure in RDX crystals embedded in a polymer-bonded explosive was investigated by means of confocal scanning laser microscopy. The images were compared to the defect structure in the as-received RDX grades, embedde ...
An explosive composition, derived from AFX-757, was systematically varied by using three different qualities of Class I RDX. The effect of internal defect structure of the RDX crystal on the shock sensitivity of a polymer bonded explosive is generally accepted (Doherty and Watt, ...
Studying links between triacetone triperoxide (TATP) samples from crime scenes and suspects can assist in criminal investigations. Isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) and gas chromatography (GC)-IRMS were used to measure the isotopic compositions of TATP and its precursors ace ...