H.J.M. Kramer

284 records found

Calcium oxalate (CaOx) crystallization under laminar flow conditions, relevant for kidney stone formation, was studied in a microfluidic device simulating the geometry of kidney collecting ducts. In a typical microfluidic experiment, two reactive solutions with designated concent ...
Herein, we study the influences of the laser-exposed volume and the irradiation position on the nonphotochemical laser-induced nucleation (NPLIN) of supersaturated potassium chloride solutions in water. The effect of the exposed volume on the NPLIN probability was studied by expo ...
Non-photochemical laser-induced nucleation (NPLIN) has emerged as a promising primary nucleation control technique offering spatiotemporal control over crystallization with potential for polymorph control. So far, NPLIN was mostly investigated in milliliter vials, through laborio ...
We present a droplet microfluidic platform mixing the contents of the droplet chaotically in microfluidic induction time measurements, a promising method for quantifying nucleation kinetics with minute amounts of solute. The nucleation kinetics of aqueous potassium chloride dropl ...
The increasing prevalence of urolithiasis in industrialized societies triggered considerable interest in how various species found in urine regulate the nucleation and growth of common kidney stone constituents such as calcium oxalate (CaOx). Yet, the role macromolecules play in ...
A droplet-based microfluidic platform is presented to study the nucleation kinetics of calcium oxalate monohydrate (COM), the most common constituent of kidney stones, while carefully monitoring the pseudo-polymorphic transitions. The precipitation kinetics of COM is studied as a ...
Nonphotochemical laser-induced nucleation (NPLIN) is a promising primary nucleation control method, yet its underlying mechanism remains elusive. To contribute to the discussion on whether the polarization of laser irradiation in NPLIN experiments influences the polymorphic outco ...
Cocrystallization of racemic-compound-forming chiral molecules can result in conglomerate cocrystals or diastereomerically related cocrystals, which enable the application of chiral separation techniques such as preferential crystallization and classic resolution. Here, a systema ...
Accurate Calcium Oxalate Monohydrate (COM) solubility measurements are essential for elucidating the physiochemical mechanism behind the formation of kidney stones, nephrolithiasis. Yet the reported solubility values of COM in ultrapure water, arguably the simplest solvent releva ...
In this study, an in situ imaging system has been analysed to characterize the crystal size, the shape and the number of particles during a continuous crystallization process in a Continuous Oscillatory Baffled Crystallizer (COBC). Two image analysis approaches were examined for ...
In this research, a process model has been developed for an airlift and compared with that of a draft tube stirred crystallizer to clarify the crystallization kinetics in this novel type of crystallizer. Recently it has been shown that although secondary nucleation is strongly su ...
Various mechanisms have been proposed to explain the nonphotochemical laser-induced nucleation (NPLIN). Identifying the dominant mechanism requires addressing a large set of experimental parameters with a statistically significant number of samples, forced by the stochastic natur ...
The use of a continuously operated oscillatory flow baffled crystallizer (COBC) has been promoted as a promising alternative crystallizer design for continuous crystallization because of the claim, based on dispersion of liquid, that plug flow can be achieved. Plug flow can lead ...

Membrane-assisted crystallization

Membrane characterization, modelling and experiments

A hollow fiber membrane module was assessed for its potential in assisting crystallization processes. The membrane module was characterized in the sweeping gas membrane distillation configuration considering various solution and sweeping gas flow rates, temperatures and solution ...
The control of nucleation in crystallization processes is a challenging task due to the often lacking knowledge on the process kinetics. Inflexible (predetermined) control strategies fail to grow the nucleated crystals to the desired quality because of the variability in the proc ...
Salts of chiral molecules, which originally crystallize as racemic compounds, could form conglomerates. The utilization of such conglomerate salts, as intermediates for the deracemization of corresponding racemic compounds, expands the theoretical application range of Viedma Ripe ...
A comprehensive methodology to carry out a sequential parameter estimation approach has been developed and validated for the determination of the kinetic parameters of the crystallization of a generic organic compound. The strength of the approach lies in the thorough design of i ...
When applied to a pure component suspension in an apolar solvent, a strong inhomogeneous electric field induces particle movement, and the particles are collected at the surface of one of the two electrodes. This new phenomenon was used to separately isolate two organic crystalli ...