I. Colosimo

9 records found

Winds of Opportunity

Intertidal Flat Hydrodyanmics & Morphodynamics

Intertidal flats and salt marshes are critical ecosystems offering significant services but face degradation due to anthropogenic pressures. To mitigate this, restoration efforts like the "Mud Motor" have been introduced, where fine sediments dredged from ports are strategically ...

Winds of opportunity

The effects of wind on intertidal flat accretion

Intertidal ecosystems are threatened by sea level rise and anthropogenic pressures. Understanding the processes controlling the morphodynamic developments of tidal flats is crucial for sustainable management of these systems. Analysis of three extensive fieldwork campaigns carrie ...
Dredging of navigation channels in estuaries affects estuarine morphology and ecosystems. In the Western Scheldt, a two-channel estuary in the Netherlands, the navigation channel is deepened and the sediment is relocated to other parts of the estuary. We analyzed the response of ...
Hydrodynamic forces on intertidal flats vary over a range of temporal and spatial scales. These spatiotemporal inhomogeneities have implications for intertidal flat morphodynamics and ecology. We determine whether storm events are capable of altering the long-term morphological e ...
Sediment transport over intertidal flats is driven by a combination of waves, tides, and wind-driven flow. In this study we aimed at identifying and quantifying the interactions between these processes. A five week long dataset consisting of flow velocities, waves, water depths, ...
Coastal systems worldwide deliver vital ecosystem services, such as biodiversity, carbon sequestration, and coastal protection. Effectivity of these ecosystem services increases when vegetation is present. Understanding the mechanisms behind vegetation establishment in bio-geomor ...
Bij de haven van Harlingen is een innovatieve methode beproefd voor hergebruik van baggerslib om de ontwikkeling van een kwelder te stimuleren: de slibmotor. Bij een slibmotor wordt baggerspecie als een semi-continue bron van sediment zo dicht mogelijk bij een kwelder verspreid o ...
We test an innovative approach to beneficially re-use dredged sediment to enhance salt marsh development. A Mud Motor is a dredged sediment disposal in the form of a semi-continuous source of mud in a shallow tidal channel allowing natural processes to disperse the sediment to ne ...
Port maintenance and nature preservation are two often conflicting aspects of coastal management. Within a Pilot Project in the Western Wadden Sea (the Netherlands - see Figure1a) we test a win-win solution that could reduce harbour siltation while simultaneously stimulate saltma ...