Peng Xu
12 records found
Query Recovery from Easy to Hard
Jigsaw Attack against SSE
Searchable symmetric encryption schemes often unintentionally disclose certain sensitive information, such as access, volume, and search patterns. Attackers can exploit such leakages and other available knowledge related to the user's database to recover queries. We find that the
Distinct Dynamic Searchable Encryption Resisting Volume Leakage in Encrypted Databases
Dynamic Searchable Encryption (DSE) has emerged as a solution to efficiently handle and protect large-scale data storage in encrypted databases (EDBs). Volume leakage poses a significant threat, as it enables adversaries to reconstruct search queries and potentially compromise th
Groundwater Vulnerability in a Megacity Under Climate and Economic Changes
A Coupled Sociohydrological Analysis
Groundwater depletion has become increasingly challenging, and many cities worldwide have adopted drastic policies to relieve water stress due to socioeconomic growth. Located on the declining aquifer of the North China Plain, Beijing, for example, has developed plans to limit th
It has become a trend for clients to outsource their encrypted databases to remote servers and then leverage the Searchable Encryption technique to perform secure data retrieval. However, the method has yet to be considered a crucial need for replication on searchable encrypted d
The Power of Bamboo
On the Post-Compromise Security for Searchable Symmetric Encryption
Dynamic searchable symmetric encryption (DSSE) enables users to delegate the keyword search over dynamically updated encrypted databases to an honest-but-curious server without losing keyword privacy. This paper studies a new and practical security risk to DSSE, namely, secret ke
High Recovery with Fewer Injections
Practical Binary Volumetric Injection Attacks against Dynamic Searchable Encryption
Searchable symmetric encryption enables private queries over an encrypted database, but it can also result in information leakages. Adversaries can exploit these leakages to launch injection attacks (Zhang et al., USENIX Security’16) to recover the underlying keywords from querie
A Secure Cloud-Based Searchable Service Can Make Attackers Pay
Many practical secure systems have been designed to prevent real-world attacks via maximizing the attacking cost so as to reduce attack intentions. Inspired by this philosophy, we propose a new concept named delay encryption with keyword search (DEKS) to resist the notorious keyw
Robust Searchable Encryption with Forward and Backward Security
Dynamic searchable symmetric encryption (DSSE) has been widely recognized as a promising technique to delegate update and search queries over an outsourced database to an untrusted server while guaranteeing the privacy of data. Many efforts on DSSE have been devoted to obtaining
Cross-Platform Malware Detection with Representation Learning on Graphs
Malicious software, widely known as malware, is one of the biggest threats to our interconnected society. Cybercriminals can utilize malware to carry out their nefarious tasks. To address this issue, analysts have developed systems that can prevent malware from successfully infec
Malware Detection and Categorization with Network Traffic Images
Android is the most popular smartphone operating system. At the same time, miscreants have already created malicious apps to find new victims and infect them. Unfortunately, existing anti-malware procedures have become obsolete, and thus novel Android malware techniques are in hi
Toward Android Malware Detection and Categorization with Program Code and Network Traffic
Android malicious applications have become so sophisticated that they can bypass endpoint protection measures. Therefore, it is safe to admit that traditional anti-malware techniques have become cumbersome, thereby raising the need to develop efficient ways to detect Android malw
Android is the most dominant operating system in the mobile ecosystem. As expected, this trend did not go unnoticed by miscreants, and quickly enough, it became their favorite platform for discovering new victims through malicious apps. These apps have become so sophisticated tha