Bo Luo

4 records found


Distinct Dynamic Searchable Encryption Resisting Volume Leakage in Encrypted Databases

Dynamic Searchable Encryption (DSE) has emerged as a solution to efficiently handle and protect large-scale data storage in encrypted databases (EDBs). Volume leakage poses a significant threat, as it enables adversaries to reconstruct search queries and potentially compromise th ...
In recent years, safe reinforcement learning (RL) with the actor-critic structure has gained significant interest for continuous control tasks. However, achieving near-optimal control policies with safety and convergence guarantees remains challenging. Moreover, few works have fo ...

The Power of Bamboo

On the Post-Compromise Security for Searchable Symmetric Encryption

Dynamic searchable symmetric encryption (DSSE) enables users to delegate the keyword search over dynamically updated encrypted databases to an honest-but-curious server without losing keyword privacy. This paper studies a new and practical security risk to DSSE, namely, secret ke ...