Detecting and categorizing Android malware with graph neural networks

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Android is the most dominant operating system in the mobile ecosystem. As expected, this trend did not go unnoticed by miscreants, and quickly enough, it became their favorite platform for discovering new victims through malicious apps. These apps have become so sophisticated that they can bypass anti-malware measures implemented to protect the users. Therefore, it is safe to admit that traditional anti-malware techniques have become cumbersome, sparking the urge to come up with an efficient way to detect Android malware. In this paper, we present a novel Natural Language Processing (NLP) inspired Android malware detection and categorization technique based on Function Call Graph Embedding. We design a graph neural network (graph embedding) based approach to convert the whole graph structure of an Android app to a vector. We then utilize the graphs' vectors to detect and categorize the malware families. Our results reveal that graph embedding yields better results as we get 99.6% accuracy on average for the malware detection and 98.7% accuracy for the malware categorization.


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