D.C. Slobbe
64 records found
Polygon-Informed Cross-Track Altimetry (PICTA)
Estimating river water level profiles with the Sentinel-6 altimeter
Traditionally, nadir-looking satellite radar altimeters provide water surface elevations of rivers only at intersections with the satellite’s ground track, called virtual stations. These observations have limited spatial coverage because such cross-overs are sparse, depending on
Arctic sea ice leads to a significant dissipation of tidal energy, necessitating its inclusion in global tidal models. However, most global tidal models either neglect or only partially incorporate the impact of sea ice on tides. This study proposes a method to model the dissipat
Polygon-Informed Cross-Track Altimetry (PICTA)
Estimating river water level profiles with the Sentinel-6 altimeter
Traditionally, nadir-looking satellite radar altimeters provide water levels of rivers only at intersections with the satellite's ground track, called virtual stations. These observations have limited spatial coverage because such cross-overs are sparse, depending on the altimete
Multi-mission satellite altimetry data have been used to study the spatial and temporal variability in global storm surge water levels. This was done by means of a time-dependent extreme value analysis applied to the monthly maximum detided water levels. To account for the limite
We demonstrate in this work how we can take advantage of known unfocused SAR (UF-SAR) retracking methods (e.g. the physical SAMOSA model) for retracking of fully-focused SAR (FF-SAR) waveforms. Our insights are an important step towards consistent observations of sea surface heig
This paper investigates the full variance–covariance (VC) matrix of two high-resolution regional quasi-geoid models, utilizing a spherical radial basis function parameterization. Model parameters were estimated using weighted least-squares techniques and variance component estima
Both empirical and assimilative global ocean tidal models are significantly more accurate in the deep ocean than in shelf and coastal waters. In this study, we answered whether this is due to the quality of the models used to reduce tide and surge or the general approach to treat
Intertidal wetlands, such as mangroves in the tropics, are increasingly recognized for their role in nature-based mitigation of coastal flood risks. Yet it is still poorly understood how effective they are at attenuating the propagation of extreme sea levels through large (order
Benefits of fully focused SAR altimetry to coastal wave height estimates
A case study in the North Sea
Estimating the three geophysical variables significant wave height (SWH), sea surface height, and wind speed from satellite altimetry continues to be challenging in the coastal zone because the received radar echoes exhibit significant interference from strongly reflective target
Our awareness of ice caps' and mountain glaciers' sensitivity to climate change has driven major advances in the application of remote sensing techniques during the past decade. Regarding ESA's SARIn altimeter CryoSat-2, processing the full waveform to generate swaths of elevatio
Earlier work has empirically demonstrated some advantages of an increased posting rate of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) altimeters beyond the expected ground resolution of about 320 m in Delay-Doppler (unfocused SAR, UFSAR) processing, corresponding to ∼20 Hz sampling. Higher po
All realizations of the European Vertical Reference System (EVRS) computed so far are solely based on geopotential differences obtained by spirit leveling/gravimetry. As such, there are no direct connections between height benchmarks separated by large water bodies. In this study
We present exact, closed-form expressions for the complete RTM correction and the harmonic correction to disturbing potential, gravity disturbance, gravity anomaly, and height anomaly. They need to be applied in quasi-geoid modelling whenever data points are buried inside the mas
The main objective of this study is to develop and analyze an empirical noise model for model-derived coastal summer mean water levels (SMWLs) and use that to obtain a more realistic quality impact of combining hydrodynamic leveling and Unified European Leveling Network (UELN) da
Previous studies have demonstrated that tides are subject to considerable changes on secular time scales. However, these studies rely on sea level observations from tide gauges that are predominantly located in coastal and shelf regions and therefore, the large-scale patterns rem
Satellite observations can help in the retrieval of constituents in
shallow waters. Noise contamination, however, makes smaller constituents
irretrievable and large sources of error. Throughout shallow areas, the
constituent’s relevancy changes. For example, near an amphidromi
This article shows the first spectral analysis of fully-focused Synthetic Aperture Radar (FFSAR) altimetry data with the objective of studying backscatter modulations caused by swells. Swell waves distort the backscatter in altimetry radargrams by means of velocity and range bunc
Satellite radar altimetry has been an important tool for cryospheric applications such as measuring ice-sheet height or assessing anomalies in snow and ice properties (e.g. the extensive melt in Greenland in 2012). Although accurate height measurements are key for such applicatio
One of the major challenges facing global hydrodynamic tidal models is the modelling of the interaction between sea ice and tides in high-latitude waters. Recent studies have shown strong seasonal correlation between sea ice and tides. Hence, it is important to accurately model t
Lead Detection in the Arctic Ocean from Sentinel-3 Satellite Data
A Comprehensive Assessment of Thresholding and Machine Learning Classification Methods
In the Arctic Ocean, obtaining water levels from satellite altimetry is hampered by the presence of sea ice. Hence, water level retrieval requires accurate detection of fractures in the sea ice (leads). This paper describes a thorough assessment of various surface type classifica